This will be a fun and SHORT! entry, I promise. I know my last two were rather long. So let's take a break from the heavy duty entries. First,
Erin tagged me to answer some knitting questions.
1. Are you always happy with your FO’s?Umm, I'd say mostly, but not always. There've been a couple things that I was proud of the work I put into them, but
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Hmm, I usually need 8+ hours of sleep at night.
I generally do not wear anything to bed. I'll wear a t-shirt or tank top if I'm at someone else's house, but I cannot wear pants to bed at all.
Interesting! Do you get too hot? Or just a preference?
I get motion sickness in cars/buses. I don't know if I get it on planes, but I still take something because it would SUCK to feel crappy on a flight.
Ohhh boo. I don't get motion sickness, but I know enough people who do, and I imagine it's no fun!
When I am really nervous about doing something, I'm usually physically fine until after it's over, and THEN I start shaking. Like, when I was in high school, and my parents' friend taught me how to drive stick shift in his car, I was soooo nervous ahead of time. I did fine with the lesson, and it was afterwards, when we were walking around a store or something, that my legs were all shaky. :p
See, I'd love for my nervousness to be that way. It makes me worry about even getting through something. Very interesting about your body reacting that way!
I've never tried ranch dressing and have no desire to try it. It's not aesthetically pleasing to my eyes and grosses me out a bit.
I'm not a vegetarian, and I doubt I ever will be, but there are certain animals I won't eat, and even the ones I do eat gross me out sometimes. Like, I won't eat rabbit or horse or lots of types of seafood, like octopus. I'll eat beef and pork and chicken, but even then only certain cuts. Soooo my relationship with meat is weird, basically. :p
Interesting! I think that's how I was and it just got to be too much because handling stuff and not knowing what had happened to it before it got on my plate freaked me out. -_-
I can't swallow pills!
I get REALLY really angry at people who litter. It may be a bit irrational, but I just absolutely cannot understand why anyone thinks it's okay to just throw their garbage on the ground. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
Have you ever seen someone do it? Did you say something to them?
I cringe whenever I see someone using the wrong your/you're. I can understand if it's because someone is typing too fast, but when it's ALL THE TIME you just have to assume that it's because they don't know which one to use. :\ Makes me feel mean because my grammar is not perfect, but I feel like that's one of those that you have to know. When the person is a college graduate? Oi! Makes me cringe even more!
Oh god yes. Me too on that one, 100%. One of my favorite webcomics has a great strip about that: - She actually sells the print of that strip, and I totally want to get it, haha. :)
There is some type of construction going on for the house across the street from ours, which is very loud when we have our windows open. Apparently construction starts rather early in the morning, too. I am glad it's not a weekend, and I was already up anyway!
Ugh at construction noise! Not cool!
You know that mustache trend that seems to be everywhere? I want one on a stick to carry around the house just to. -_-
I have a ridiculous sweet tooth. It is a very rare day that I do not want chocolate in some form.
I've been to 32/50 states. I want to see them all but don't know what the heck I'd do in Alaska. -_-
Oh, I've heard Alaska's really beautiful. I kind of want to take a cruise there.
I have never been outside of North America. I really want to change that!
Which countries would you like to visit?
I don't know whether or not we'll have kids. I wish I felt strongly one way or another, but I don't and that's annoying. -_-
I hope you figure out what feels right for you.
I am totally surprised that no one else wanted to do this! Does that count as a fact about me? Well, if not, I just changed our sheets this morning, and that is the only time our bed is ever properly made. :p
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