Happy LJ-versary to me!

Mar 18, 2012 09:23

Yep, 10 years ago today, I wrote my very first livejournal entry. Let's read it and have a chuckle at how much of a dork I was at 17, shall we?

Hello people, welcome to my very first journal entry!! I think this site is very cool, and I'm looking forward to using it often. Right now, this is what my life is like: senior trip is in 103.5 hours (yes, i have the countdown in hours), spring break starts almost immediately after that, and during spring break i should be getting my college letters from princeton and william & mary. then i have to make a decision about where to go to college while i try to study for my 4 ap exams. while doing all this, i need to go to school, go to my lovely job at salad works, fix my sadly distressed relationship with my parents, and get ready for prom, graduation, and the world beyond. any questions on the amount of possible stress in my life? so. this might be a good place for me to vent from time to time, so i'm warning you all in advance. anyway, that's me today.

Lol, awwww, "I think this site is very cool". *snrk* Ohhh senior class trip. That was good times. And awww, getting college acceptance/rejection letters. Dear lord, I do not miss that. Nor do I miss working at Salad Works, although I would effing LOVE to eat at one right now. I haven't found any restaurant like it up here, but I really miss the concept. (You know the word 'salad' starts to look really weird when you look at it a bunch.) Hahaha, I love this: "get ready for prom, graduation, and the world beyond." - SO DRAMATIC! Ah, 17.

And, because thejoysofjess demanded pictures, here is a picture of me from around the time I wrote that first entry:

I know. So hot.

Here's to ten years on livejournal! Maybe I'll be around for another ten, who knows? I'll probably post more entries from previous years in the next few days, and if there's anything you want to ask about, feel free! Happy lj-versary to me! :)

10 years on lj, lj, nostalgia, pictures

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