Figured I'd do a quick Saturday morning update. I was actually going to write an entry last night, but then I realized it was almost 11:30 and I am totally an old lady now, so that was way past my bedtime, and I opted for sleep instead.
Some good things: My credit card arrived in the mail yesterday, which was super exciting. I have already used it to buy the next
APW book club book, and then to take us out to dinner last night. We'd gotten a coupon in the mail for $25 off if we spent $50 or more at
Alice Fazooli's, and since we'd never been before, we figured we'd try it out. It was a good meal, though I'm definitely glad we had the coupon. But mmmm, the fresh bread they brought out for us while we were looking at the menu was so warm and soft and delicious. *foodgasm* There is very little in life that beats fresh baked bread. And my Caesar salad had real bacon on it! It was really nice to get out for dinner together; we've been so broke for the last several months that I don't think we've had a meal out since . . . maybe our Summerlicious reservations, right before my birthday? It's definitely been awhile.
This week has felt really busy. I babysat after work on Wednesday, then Thursday I went to knitting group for an hour before participating in a focus group for which I got paid $80. That explains why I'm behind on my friends page, at least. I feel like work's really gotten underway, though, and I'm more fully in the swing of things. I've actually completed my first two reports of the year, and am working on at least one assessment for each school. It's good though; I like feeling busy and productive at work and actually getting things done. And then, Monday is Thanksgiving, which is absolutely crazy for a couple reasons, not least of which is that I feel like the school year just started, so how can it possibly be Thanksgiving already?! Also, I'm finding it hard to mentally adjust to Thanksgiving being in early/mid-October as opposed to late November. I've barely finished processing my back-to-school excitement; I'm ready to get pumped for Halloween, and then a month later, Thanksgiving. With it being so early, I don't feel like I've had time to get properly excited for it. Does that make sense? Like, in the States, I feel like each holiday gets its own build-up, because you've got Halloween at the end of October, Thanksgiving at the end of November and then Christmas. You get time to anticipate each one. But like I said, I've been mostly focused on the adjustment to getting back to work for the past month, so Thanksgiving hasn't really been on my radar, it's just here now and I didn't get to build up any excitement for it ahead of time. I wonder if that's something that will change over time with me being up here. The other thing that's not helping me fully appreciate the turkey day awesomeness is that the weather is ridiculously warm this weekend, with expected highs of 25 today and 25 but feels like 29 tomorrow. (77 and 77 feels like 84 for my Americans.) This after we've had several nights this week where the temperature went down into single digits. Wtf, weather?
So, in other news, I got a letter from HRSDC saying they'd received my notice of appeal (about the EI thing) and there would be a hearing that I can attend or not, but of course it's in my best interest to attend so I can explain my case. I had to send them a response saying whether or not I would attend, and they'll send me the hearing date. I'm still not expecting anything to come of it, but I will go and plead my case and hope for the best, I guess. It's a little annoying that I'll probably have to miss a day of work for this, but if it results in me getting the money I expected to get this summer, then it will certainly be worth it.
I may have gotten roped into making a third pumpkin cake this month. I'd already planned on making one to bring to Becca's baby shower (for which way too many people still have not RSVP'd, by the way), and then I was going to make a second to bring to a meeting I have at work on Halloween. But then pumpkin cakes came up in conversation at knitting group Thursday night, and both Mitchell, our group's favorite server, and I claimed to make the best pumpkin cake, so it was declared that we should have a pumpkin cake-off. Lol. I'll have to see if I can pick up a cake carrier this weekend, because otherwise I've got no way to transport a cake. It might also be helpful to have a mixer, but since it's just two ingredients, I can probably do it by hand. Hopefully. :p
Today's plan involves massive amounts of cleaning. Our house is a mess, because I've been busy working and Brad's been busy studying, but since his parents are coming down tomorrow for Thanksgiving, we have no excuse to put it off anymore. On the list of things to do: dishes (tons), clean the kitchen counters/microwave/stove, clean the downstairs bathroom, tidy up the living/dining room, sweep and mop the floors, clean the master bathroom, possibly sweep upstairs, and do laundry. I was also going to go through the bin on the desk where I toss papers that we need to keep, so I can file things that need to be filed and get rid of things we no longer need. And my original plan was to swap out my summer and winter clothes this weekend, but given the temperatures, perhaps that will wait till next weekend.
OH, and one final note for you all, because clearly you all must share in my mortification even if you weren't here. Some of you I've told already, but you know, why not share with everyone. On Thursday, I get home from work and used the bathroom. And as I was pulling my pants back up, I noticed a very large rip in the back of my pants, right between the pocket and the center seam. The best part is that I have no idea how or when it happened, or how long I was walking around flashing my ass at everyone. Uuuuuugh. The general consensus among those I've already shared this story with is that it probably happened late in the day or that no one noticed it, because surely SOMEONE would have said something to me if I'd been walking around like that all day. I can only hope that this is true and that I wasn't unknowingly being an exhibitionist. Also, the thing that sucks most about this is that now I have to go buy new pants, which most women will tell you is rarely a pleasant experience. :-/
Anyway, that's me this weekend. Going to try to catch up on at least a few of your entries before I dive into the cleaning tasks for the day. Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadians! :)