End of year/New Year's survey stolen from
thejoysofjess what did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
- Drove all the way to Florida by myself
- Graduated grad school
- Completed an internship
- Became a Nationally Certified School Psychologist
- Turned 25
- Moved to Canada
- Got a Canadian job offer
- Applied for a work permit
- Got a visitor record
did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't think I made any last year, and I probably won't make any this year.
did anyone close to you give birth?
Karen and Kate, two women I worked with at my internship, both had babies this year.
did anyone close to you die?
No, thankfully. Although my work mommy's dog had to be put down and I felt very sad for her and her family.
what countries did you visit?
I was back and forth between Canada and the US a lot this year.
what would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
A steady income for the whole year. A ring. A work permit. A new apartment. Maybe even a wedding?
what was your biggest achievement of the year?
Graduating grad school with distinction was pretty awesome. And getting a job offer in my field, six months after graduating, in a foreign country is a pretty nice accomplishment, even if it hasn't materialized into actual work yet.
what was your biggest failure?
I don't have many regrets about this year. I guess I could've saved more money, though I'm not entirely sure how. I maybe could have been more persistent about getting answers related to my job search and procurement up front.
what was the best thing you bought?
Man, I have no idea, mainly because I haven't been able to buy much this year. I really can't remember a single large or important purchase.
whose behavior merited celebration?
Janet's, absolutely. Kristian's. Sarah's.
whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Ugh, my father's, beyond belief.
where did most of your money go?
Ha. Mostly toward bills and groceries. We haven't had much extra this year.
what did you get really, really, really excited about?
Moving to Canada. Getting my job offer.
what song will always remind you of 2009?
Imogen Heap's album Ellipse. The new Black Eyed Peas stuff. David Guetta - When Love Takes Over, and Sexy B*tch. Probably a bunch of others as well.
compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? I think maybe about the same? But probably more stressed. Sadder about my family.
thinner or fatter? The slightest bit fatter, but not enough that anyone but me would really notice.
richer or poorer? Oh, undoubtedly poorer. I really hope to be able to give a different answer next year.
what do you wish you'd done more of?
Maybe more harassing people into getting stuff done faster? Not sure how much good it would've done me, but at least it would make me feel like I was doing something. Otherwise, spending more time with the people who care about me.
what do you wish you'd done less of?
Worrying about people whose behavior I couldn't change.
how will you be spending christmas?
I got my tree decorating fix in on the 21st, when I visited Janet at her house with Liz. It was the most Christmas-y thing I did this year, and it was lovely. Christmas Eve, Sarah came up to Kristian's house and we had a pizza-making, popcorn-making, movie-watching sleepover. On Christmas Day, we went to the movies and saw It's Complicated, got Chinese food for lunch, and then saw The Princess and the Frog in the afternoon.
did you fall in love in 2009?
I continued to be in love.
How many one-night stands?
None, but Brad and I did have an exceptionally short visit in July over a 3 day weekend.
what were your favorite TV programs?
I totally loved So You Think You Can Dance Canada. And then Canada's Worst Driver. And I *still* want to get on Cash Cab, which I think is totally do-able. Becca and I have a plan.
do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I wouldn't go so far as to say I hate anyone, but I've lost a lot of respect for people I used to respect.
what was the best book you read?
I really liked Diary, by Chuck Palahniuk; Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen (sp?); Her Fearful Symmetry, by Audrey Niffenegger; and The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls.
what was your greatest musical discovery?
Probably all the Darren Hayes/We Are Smug stuff that's been out for awhile but I only found out about this year.
what did you want and get?
A degree. My NCSP. To move to Canada. A Canadian job offer.
What did you want and not get?
To actually start working in Canada. A work permit. Financial security.
what were your favorite films of this year?
Up, definitely. Coraline was pretty awesome, too.
what did you do on your birthday?
I think I worked on my actual birthday, oh, but then Janet, Liz, Kate and I went out to dinner and it was awesome. Then the weekend after, my friends and I went glow-in-the-dark mini golfing and to Sonic. It was delightful. Yes, I'm about 12 years old, what's your point?
how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
In the beginning of the year it was semi-professional-but-I-still-work-in-a-school-with-children; the second half of the year it was I-hardly-leave-my-house-because-I'm-unemployed, what-do-I-need-clothes-for?
what kept you sane?
Brad, my friends, my adopted family. The people who truly cared about me.
which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Pssh. I don't really follow celebrities, but I did decide Clive Owen was dead sexy this year.
what political issue stirred you the most?
I kind of tried not to care about health care too much, since I hope to not be a part of this country's system much longer. Gay marriage, or rather, the lack of it, still really bugs me; I just don't understand how people can deny others the right to marry.
who did you miss?
I am always missing someone. When I was in Jersey, I missed Brad, and all of my non-Jersey friends. When I was in Canada, I missed all of my friends in the States.
who was the best new person you met?
I met a few awesome people in Canada -
kadenza from Stitch 'n Bitch, which is actually pretty lucky considering I've only been a few times. I also met two very nice people at the book club holiday party, and I hope to be able to get together with them more once I'm back up north. :) Oh, also, the girls I met through Hi-Step this summer were all very awesome, especially Rachel and Danielle!
tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
Family isn't always the people who are related to you.
quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"And in the middle of the flood I felt my worth
When you held onto me like I was your little life raft
Please know that you were mine as well"
So, as a bit of follow up on my father's behavior being appalling and depressing: I had called him yesterday to say that since I was having dinner in the area, I'd stop by the house to pick up my mail. Today I went by, and no one was home. Of course, as I'm leaving, they pull up in front of the house. My dad tells me I need to stop doing this, this meaning being in the house when they're not there. I remind him that I told him I was coming, blah blah, I leave. About twenty minutes later, he calls me and says that since we've talked before about him not wanting me in the house when they're not there and I apparently can't respect that, he wants the key to the house back. I recall no such prior conversation and ask him why I can't be in the house when they're not there. His answer? Because it's Candice's house, too, and she shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable when she lives there, and it makes her uncomfortable when I come and go as I please, so I have to give my key back. I just was completely dumbfounded. What on earth do you say to that? Sure, Dad, your girlfriend's comfort is totally way more important than your own daughters' feelings. Let's ignore the fact that I live in another country most of the time now, I am hardly ever at the house to begin with, I call you to tell you when I'm coming . . . I could go on, but really, the point is, I feel like I've totally lost my father, and it really really sucks. :-/