i never thought i could want someone so much

Mar 06, 2009 22:02

omg. longest. week. EVER. seriously, i don't know how a week that started off with a snow day could end up being such a heinously long week (and with temperatures in the 50s, 60s tomorrow, but that's neither here nor there). i could go into the details about what happened, but i'm pretty tired of talking about/dealing with the whole thing. suffice it to say, my student who has assaulted teachers in the past had a really bad day on tuesday? wednesday? right, wednesday, and ended up hitting at least six different staff members, myself included. (i'm fine, so's everyone else she hit, though i think some people probably have some nice bruises.) she's suspended for five days, not that the suspension alone will do a damn bit of good, but at least it gives her staff a little break and gives her family time to have her reevaluated. if they actually do, but that's another story, too. anyway, that was wednesday, and i've been dealing with the (mostly bureaucratic) aftermath the past couple days. not to mention very little sleep tuesday and wednesday (which lead to me going to bed around 9:45 last night, and is probably the reason i'm so tired now), and a whole bunch of other random little things that have been less than awesome, and it's just overall been kind of a shitty week.

positives: i got my financial aid refund, finally! it's been very helpful - i was finally able to pay my dad back the rest of the money he had lent me back in august (after he really got on my case about it for no real reason, so that was fun). i also put a large chunk into savings, and i plan to pretty much ignore that unless some kind of emergency comes up; its main function will hopefully be for moving/security deposit on a place for me and brad when i move.

which brings up the other thing i've been occupying my scarce free time with lately: job searching. last week i made a bunch of phone calls and sent out my vita to a bunch of chief psychologists in the districts in/around toronto, and of course have been waiting anxiously/having my heart go into my throat and my breathing stop every time i see a response from any of those people. i've heard from a few of them that i need to find out if i will be eligible to register with the college of psychologists of ontario, because that's a requirement for them to be able to hire me. after a bunch of online research and a phone call today, i found out that they can't tell me whether or not i'm eligible until i actually apply, which i can't do until i finish my degree. it's going to kill me not to be able to apply till may, but at the same time, several of the districts have said they won't know if they have any openings till april or may, anyway, so i guess it's not the end of the world. i just really want to get this whole process started, and i hate that there's not really anything i can do right now. i also want to get started on the immigration process, but i can't really do that (at least, not the way i'm planning on immigrating) until i have a job offer, which i can't get until i know if i'm eligible to register with cpo, etc. etc. etc. :-/ so basically, i can't do anything till may, and that's going to drive me nuts.

i wanted to try to put more of a positive spin on this entry, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. i'm going to hopefully go shopping this weekend so i can buy a new dress for graduation. i have an appointment next weekend to get my hair highlighted for the first time, so hopefully that will turn out well. And only four and a half weeks until I leave for Toronto for spring break. yayyyyyyyyy dear god i can't wait.

oh, and ps, here is a tidbit from xkcd that should be amusing to anyone who ever took psych classes (or probably anyone who ever took any research or stats classes, as i'm sure they emphasized this there, too): correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing "look over there."

internship, cpo, job hunt, money money money, plans

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