"No, No....Notorious!"

Nov 22, 2004 14:53

Look at me! Look at me! I'm doing it again!

So this weekend was pretty splendid. On friday Miss. Brittan, Mr. Jarvis, Miss. Jarvis and I went and saw "Raise Your Voice" at the cheapies...it was really amusing. Hilary Duff was especially dramatic...I really think she is improving guys ; ) But before that, I don't really remember what we did. After the movie, around midnight ish, I we were at Miss. Brittan's house, and some silly people came over kinda drunk...and it was kinda funny. I went at kidnapped Mr. Strobeck at about 2ish, and the group of us just sat in Miss. Brittans room and laughed at Helen Keller jokes for about an hour. I know thats horrible, but it was really funny! My fave, Q: Why didn't Helen Keller scream when she jumped off the cliff? I will tell you the answer later! Hah. Then we decided to take Mr. Strobeck to the Sphereoid because he had never been! It was a wonderful experience, bringing a first timer is always entriguing! And I actually think he liked it...which was suprising because he sounded doubtful. Then, we dropped him off. And went to Sharies at about 4am, and I had some fettuccini alfredo, and a milkshake, it was awesome. Then we went back to Miss. Brittan's and I stayed up another hour or so. I was up for 24 hours that day! Awesome! Sunday, I went shopping with Mr. Strobeck and had a splendid time I must say! It was really good spending time with him, but I am afraid I shall not get used to it, for he is a very busy man. Sunday night Miss. Brittan's mum took us and we saw the sneak preview of "Finding Neverland"!!!!!!! It was SOOOO amazing. I was blown away by a certain actor (my favorite) and his dashing scottish accent. Then after a quick stop for some Birthday wishes for Mr. Jarvis, I came home...and was met by a screaming sister. Ew. Then I recieved a call that a certain Mr. Darrin and Master James were holding my two favorite scarves hostage until I brought them their movie. I was easilly convinced (what can i say? I love my scarves) and I only stayed for a bit, because Master James' house reeks of beer and cat piss.

This week shall be exciting! It is short! We get good food! Friday is ROi's show! And the rest of the weekend will be dynamite. All is well on this side of the line. I'm excited for everything! I love the hollidays. And I love you all!

Holliday wishes and squishes for each and every one of you!


A: She was wearing gloves.

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