Sep 26, 2006 17:24
blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i really hate being a girl right now...i know i know tmi..but seriously...i hate being inflicted with this pain once a month...its not needed.. its killing me..ive felt like shit the entire day...ahhh oh well so last night was our first was long..went to im's after..i swear brian wont leave me alone.. he is obsessed with me..he actually told me yesterday he was in a "kimmy" mood..he always wants me to come over, hang out with him..he claims he misses me and he saw me yesterday..its all stressing me out.. i really wish he would just get over it already.. and he gets really butt hurt when i turn him down..i just dont understand..whateva anyways..i have cramps..yay...hahah sorry they just got really bad..anyways i have work at 7 am tommorrow morning.. yah not too thrilled abt that... guys rush starts tonight..i really need to go and be there.. but i feel like i think im going to go home and rest some before i totally lose it