I'm aware I haven't been on here as often, but honestly I've had other things on my plate to contend with. From work being a burden and coworkers being dicks plus money concerns I've been concentrating hard on relaxing on my days off and ignoring everything else.
I've been seeing a glut of theatre and reading more and trying to be less inside my apartment but damn it's hard to focus sometimes.
One thing that is very new is my cat.
Yes I have a kitty now and she is wonderful.
A friend of mine had three cats, two male and one female. The two male cats kept beating up on the female so she was offered to me last month and she has been a delight, bringing cheer to me, and making me extra happy.
Her name is Morticia though she does go by kitty, precious, sweetie, and Tish. Her brother's name is Gomez. Yes my friend has a sick sense of humour. I didn't ask if the other cat's name was Thing. ;)
Here's a few pictures of Tish for you.
and some of me
Just getting the apartment ready for Christmas. The tree is up and slowly getting decorated. More to come.