progress report

Aug 19, 2009 17:10

I've done my dual x-country, but am short 0.5hours, because the minimum is 3.0h and it only took 2.5h to fly the route.

On Aug 2, I flew my solo x-country from XD to CER3 (Drayton Valley) to CYQF (Red Deer) and back.
On Aug 16, I flew my solo x-country from XD to CEW3 (St. Paul) to CEV3 (Vegreville) and back.
So the x-countries are done.

I have 1.5h of instrument time under the hood plus 3.2h of simulator time, of which they count 3.0h, so I need 0.5h more because I need 5.0 total.

My Transport Canada PPAER exam is complete (the PSTAR, English proficiency, and Radio Operators exams were done long ago, last Sept I think).

So I'm getting close to being done.
Last big hurdle: the flight exam. In the meantime, I need to practice all the testable manouvers.
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