|| Working
Tune : Rob Thomas - "Follow Me", Nickelback - "Rockstar", radio shizz
When I walk outside my front door
View of the mountains, and downtown Vancouver on the right side, just outside of my street
Kitsilano Seawall or something like that
Some more pretty beach & mountains
Sean (hiding Julie), Margaret & the kids who gave us biological lessons
Kits beach
Pretty tree & mountains
Margaret, Julie & Sean with view of Kits Beach and downtown Van
Random totempole, o yeah I am in North-America
Julie & Zarina under a pretty blossom tree
Close up
A lane of snowing blossoms
Close up
The entrance to the market on Granville Island
The Orpheum, where James Blunt performed
A beautiful theatre
With a golden interior
And antique looking decorations
James Blunt in Vancouver xD
Not my James pics though, I stole these -whistles-
More pictures to come!!!