Picspam, Sunshine (2007)

Sep 06, 2012 20:30

Fandom: Sunshine (2007)
Rating: Teen (graphic imagery)
Content: Image-heavy (it's a picspam!). Images are from the 2007 sci-fi/horror film Sunshine and depict physical injury, self-harm, and character death associated with exposure to extreme temperatures (both hot and cold).
Notes: Compiled for
kink_bingo 2012 for my temperature play square ( card here). Extreme temperatures are a significant motif in Sunshine, so I quickly thought of it when deciding to do another temperature play picspam this year. I considered focussing only on heat, since two characters in the film become obsessed with the sun and let themselves be burned by it; eventually I decided to compare the two temperatures instead, even though that meant including character death.

kink_bingo, picspam: sunshine, picspam

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