2010 Day One

Jan 01, 2010 15:22

A 2009 Meme I stole from rumdiculous.

First Fandom of 2009: I think my first new fandom was Wolf's Rain. My first regular fandom would have been Doctor Who.

Favorite Main Character of 2009: Doctor Horrible

Favorite Villain of 2009: Maybe the 456 in Torchwood, because they were so. damn. nasty!

Favorite Video Game Character of 2009: Batman

Favorite Game of 2009: I really liked watching Nick play Batman: Arkham Asylum

Favorite Het Couple of 2009: Joker/Harley XD with Spike/Dru a close second.

Favorite Femmeslash Couple of 2009: Lucy Saxon and Drusilla... don't ask, it was a role play thing.

Favorite Slash Couple of 2009: I've learned to tolerate Angelus/Spike

Favorite OT3 of 2009: The Master, Spike and Dru... again, a RP thing.

Fandom That You Never Expected To Get Into: Wolf's Rain

Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Batman

Fandom That Inspired The Most Crack: Buffy and Doctor Who

Last Fandom of 2009: Angel

In 2009 did you:

1. Go to a party?: Indeed. My social life isn't that sad that I didn't go to a single party during the whole year.

2. Try something new?: I did. Besides some private things, I tried table top RPGs for the first time and enjoyed them. There's also stuff I learned for teaching.

3. Have someone change your life?: Yeah. solaris_foxx

4. Kiss someone?: Yeeeeees

5. Tell your family and friends you love them?: Indeed

6. Buy something extravagant?: Not really...

7. Do something nice for you?: Um... sometimes. I would buy DVDs and such, and I tried getting Boost Juices more often instead of coke when I was in the city.

8. Do something terribly wrong?: Yeah... the Studio 2000 and DVD player fiasco.

9. Move?: Nope.

10. Go to a concert?: Yep.

Best of the Year:

1. Party: My 21st

2. TV Show: Deadliest Warrior

4. Movie: Up

5. Song: So What - Pink

6. Experience: Nothing I can write about on a public journal. ~_^

7. Concert: Pink's Funhouse Tour

8. Book: Wyrd Systers by Terry Pratchett

9. Month: December maybe?

10. Day: I dunno

Worst of the Year:

1. Party: There was one or two I didn't have much fun at, but I can't remember when they were.

2. TV Show: Torchwood, but only because of the uber angst. The story was great though... I guess.

3. CD: I dunno

4. Movie: Earth Girls Are Easy

5. Song: "'Cause I'm a Blond" from Earth Girls Are Easy.

6. Experience: Well... getting my first PAP Smear wasn't fun

7. Concert: -

8. Book: One of the Doctor Who books I tried to read this year, but I don't remember which one.

9. Month: I don't think there was one month that was worse than any of the others


In other news, the New Year's party I went to was alright over-all, but I freaked out a little bit and there was more drinking involved than was initially anticipated. Everything's good now though. I'm a bit irritated that I have a rehearsal for the Fringe Play tomorrow, but I did sign up to be involved, and this is what being involved means.

Random Quote from the end of Angel Season 5:

Angel: This may come out a little pretentious, but... one of you will betray me.

Spike raises his hand eagerly

Angel: Wes...

Spike: (disappointed) Oh... (Enthusiastically) Can I deny you three times?

batman, doctor who, new years, meme, dragons, wolf's rain

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