Christmas/Yule/Winter/Insert Holiday Here Cards!

Nov 30, 2011 20:51

It's that time of year again! I know I haven't been around much this year, but as always I would like to send out cards for the winter holiday season. I have postcards, as always, but depending on what sort of selection I have and who requests a card, I will likely acquire actual cards as well.

We don't have to have ever exchanged three words for me to send you a card. I just like sending cards. Maybe we haven't talked in years, maybe we never talk, maybe we talk all the time... doesn't matter!

The postcards I have are not specifically holiday ones but are, if I remember correctly, variously New Brunswick/Canadian postcards I have picked up, or other random postcards acquired over the past year. Since I know I have a variety of religious beliefs/non-beliefs amongst my f-list, if you want a card, stating which holiday you will (or won't) be celebrating/what greeting you'd prefer would be excellent. If you don't state any, you'll likely recieve a generically cheery "Happy holidays!"

Comments will be screened, so either comment here with your mailing address or drop me a personal message, or email (email should be able to be found on my user profile).

screened, x-mas

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