In Preperation for WIP Finishing Month

Jun 30, 2011 20:48

As hosted by Denial, of course.

Besides the Burton/Lester ficlets earlier this year and the series of drabbles (which are really nothing, I could possibly drabble in my sleep), I haven't really done anything significant in the way of ficcing in ages.

But with life looking rather suspiciously like it may co-operate... I have done up a surprisingly small list for my To Do for July & August.

  1. May's Birthday Ficlet aka the Fic She Asked For Probably a Year Ago - this is only in need of some editorial attention from me and then some loving kicking-into-shape by a beta
  2. Kez' birthday ficlet - this is in need of the porn, and is at the top of the list. Yes Kez darling, you get smut. Horribly belated, but hopefully soon-to-be-in-existence smut.
  3. Ornitholestes - my longtime WiP fic that is known to Knitekat and I as 'the Min fic' after an OC. This is the one thing I really, really want to get finished before the summer is out. Anything beyond it will be bonus.
  4. Five Claws long-fic aka Sentient Future Predators. I don't expect to finish this in July, and possibly not even in August, but I want to get more headway made. Its going to be a lengthy multi-part fic, but I want to get at least one draft written before doing any posting. It will also eventually require obsessive rewatching of all the Dave scenes in the show. That will also wait until the first draft is done.

Since I have the attention span of a flea surrounded by multiple different furry bodies, I've also got a couple lurking bunnies that I hope to tackle in August. If any of the above prove particularly stubborn in July, I may poke at the following then, however. And I shall be endeavouring to once more take up the P100 drabbles, though possibly not the Seth storyline.

  • Burton/Lester sequel(s?). I want at least one sequel, will need to inspect the already written fics to see if they will demand another one. Since these are essentially meant to fit in with the S4 timeline, it may require rewatching for inspiration.
  • Seth fic! For any who followed/remember my Seth drabbles, I actually do (and have had since before the drabbles) a story surrounding Seth & Lester & the anomalies. I have a scary number of Primeval bunnies clamouring for attention, but I really want to tackle this one, preferably getting started this year.

It's not much, but I'm hoping that by taking my horrendous carry-through abilities, easily distracted nature, and potential Real Life complications into consideration, I'll be able to get some stuff done!

And as I said, I could possibly drabble in my sleep, or do 50 line fics just for fun. So if I'm horribly blocked on something I may just ask for drabble prompts.

Oh! And I've got a new layout that I'm testing. :D I think I like it thus far, although its narrower than my old one, so a bit of getting used to. And a quick glance at the source code for it makes me think it'll be easy enough to replace the header with one of my own. I'm fond of the black and white look and may, come school once more, try and get a pic of F------ to use. I'm also fiddling with a customized mood theme that will use a bunch of gif'd moods drawing from a Donna Noble theme, a River Song theme, a Tenth Doctor theme, and a Jack Harkness one.

I'd really rather a nice black and white one, more multi-fandom, but I'd have to make that. Perhaps a fun graphics project for later in the year. A nice Primeval one would be cool. All in black and white and goodness knows I've got the caps and the downloads and the newfound ability to take massive amounts of caps from video files.

Ooooh. A Sanctuary/Primeval/DW/QI theme. That would be shiny.

Right. Enough babbling.


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