In Which I Managed to Create a Large Graphic...

May 07, 2011 15:31

I can't remember when I started this, but I guess I'd thought I would give making something bigger than a banner or icon a shot. So. Pretty basic, I guess, but it was fun to mess about with! (And in proper Denial fashion I've combined an S2 image with an S1 quote. xP)

Warning for large graphic below the cut! 1350x880 px )

primeval, graphics:large

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lukadreaming May 7 2011, 18:34:10 UTC
Nice one! And LOL at using the quote -- I just think of him saying the ripping the boundaries and space and time to shreds line!


canadian_jay May 7 2011, 18:35:17 UTC
I honestly wanted to punch the man! It was dreadfully annoying. *g* And thanks!

(Also, that's a very nice icon.)


lukadreaming May 7 2011, 18:36:29 UTC

Thanks! I can never quite find a Nick icon that I like -- this is the nearest.


canadian_jay May 7 2011, 18:40:10 UTC
I don't think I even *have* a Nick icon - besides this one.


reggietate May 7 2011, 22:55:54 UTC
I can see I shall have to try harder :-D


lukadreaming May 8 2011, 19:20:41 UTC
LOL! I have several that I rotate, but seem to be very picky about Nick icons *g*.


reggietate May 8 2011, 20:10:54 UTC
Hee! I shall continue to strive towards the creation of your perfect Nick icon :-)

I do like that one, though.


lukadreaming May 8 2011, 20:14:31 UTC
You iz a darling! I don't know why I'm finding it so hard to settle on a Nick one I like . . .


reggietate May 8 2011, 20:19:25 UTC
Because he's such a changeable type? Or maybe just because he's a bloody awkward sod! ;-)


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