4x07 Play-by-Play

Feb 05, 2011 20:40

Done in the same style as those play-by-plays I posted in the rewatch threads ages ago, for those who saw those. *g* For those who never saw those, this is basically my thoughts, uncensored, as I watch the episode. And yes, my thought pattern actually does work like this. More or less. *g*

Usually I'd squee all over the chat to Kez, but my wireless has been crazy-finicky lately, and when I started watching the ep, she was away from Skype, so I'm blaming/crediting Kez with the existence of this. xD

Edit to add: I've been watching a lot of CSI lately, which tends to actually kind of engage my brain. Moreso than anything else I watch on TV. Even as I was typing this I was going 'well, this is oddly cerebral for me when watching something'. Usually its a lot OH SHINY, OH PRETTY, OH BIG GUN, OOOH ACTION, OOOH BIG BOOM, ANIMALANIMALANIMALSQUEE. Bit less of that in here than usual.

Weeeeird. Funky anomaly is funky. It was like it was... flickering and out of focus. Like a lost satellite channel.


Lester working on getting an identity! Yay, Lester.

Ooooooh, Matt. Finally showing some spirit! Walking in the shoes of your predecessors, then. And LOL, poor Lester. *pets* Feels a bit like wrangling a certain stubborn scientist, I bet.

OOOOOOH. DATING THINGIE. (Fandom totally came up with that first. Just sayin'.)

Oops. Connor baby, you might be in a bit of trouble, mightn't you? Just a wee bit.

Anomalies increasing in frequency? Hmmm.

So funky-static anomaly was unique then. Hm! (Anyone else start thinking of those various 'alternate anomalies' writers have come up with? *g*)

1867! Good year, that. Canada gained it's confederation, first prime minister, and the legend holds that Queen Victoria granted this right after signing off on something to do with dog tags. (The first PM was an alcoholic, too.)

ooh! Naughty anomaly! Not playing nice, are we?

Okay, necks are not that strong. Even a low charge should've bothered Big Bird's neck.

But Matt! Maybe Emily grew up with a family of Big Birds! (Scientific name escaping me, lol.) In South America!

Oooooh, Matty darling. Can only run from your humanity so long.

There's a soldier in the background Connor! Don't worry! He'll die instead!

'Are you sure?' No Jess, they're just imagining the terror bird. No big.

Terror Bird!

And funky out-of-focus anomaly is still funky. I bet it's splitting up due to electrical interference - the flickering and splintering is making me think that, for some reason.

OMG DANNY *literally just made some very strange squeaky-gasp noise and yelped 'Danny!'* That plaid shirt. I'd recognize it anywhere.

"Come on Quinn, get up, stop faking." LOL OH BECKER.

"Much cuter than I remember." LOL OH DANNY.


"Matt shot you."

"Yeah, Matt, likes, to shoot, people." You'd know, eh Becks? xD

Quite the hair on Danny, lol. I think Abby definitely got the best Prehistoric Stylist

And the first thing Danny asks is, of course, what EVERYONE ON THE PLANET wondered for two seasons. xD

Ooooooooh. Danny's hurt. *veg*

OMG IS DANNY GONNA GO TRY AND SAVE THAT? Nitwit. Of course he is. Bloody-minded, jump-in-feet-first idiot. *fondly*

Okay, so either Danny will save the day or he'll get shot again. Yus.

*watches intently*

Molly? ... *fights back urge to howl with laughter* (In other news, I'm claiming Danny as gay, too. xD If anyone gets why, after the comment of 'Molly' they win some hardtack.)

"It was just me and those terror birds for six months. Believe me, you start naming things." *howls* (Also, what's that movie with Tom Hanks? Or Tom Cruise? And the ball?)

"Drop the gun or I'll drop you." *promptly reads innuendo into that*

Ooooooh. You know, the only thing better than a plot to take over the world, is overly suspicious people who're wrong about a plot. So either way, I'll be happy.

Oops! Knock to the head for Abby!

Okay, so Danny saved them from Big Bird, not from Ethan. STILL. SILLY DANNY.


OMHGOMGOMGOMG. Everyone who predicted this must be pissing themselves when they seen this. I didn't do any predictions but IT MAKES PLOTTY SENSE. Patrick is Ethan. Now the question is: why is he going by the name Ethan?

*squeals very loudly at Lester striding in*

"Not here. Come on, my office." What, no kiss, Lester? Just right to the shagging? xD

Ooooh. Now we get some interesting conflict because, as we all should recall, Danny's a copper. Ex. But whatever.

And Danny, dear, just think of what could have happened to him.


HAH. And Matt's wrong. *satisfied*


And now, because Matt doesn't know anything except suspicion and wariness, he makes the logical assumption that if it isn't Ethan, than it must be Emily. (Seriously. It is logical. I'm not being sarcastic here.)

Matt, when you are most certain of something, is when you should question it hardest.

He knows it is? But it happens in the future. And maybe just by being in the past, his very presence will prevent it from happening. Or maybe it will cause it.

OR MAYBE IT'S STEPHEN (or his intelligent, completely identical clone). xD

"It's just that your name was written all over a document she had with her." (My literal reaction: *GASP* That is so cool.)

Helen Cutter was an unbalanced individual... lol, understatement of ever. Especially by s3.

"James" he says, and look how swiftly he comes, and look at his head position, like a good little dog *koff* *biased perception much, Jay?*

OMG BURTON U GLORIOUS BASTARD. Planting doubt in Lester's mind as to Danny's state of mind... you fucking genius. xD

(Lester's thoughts: Well, don't know who Burton thinks he's fooling, but Danny's quite stable)

Also, good gawd, polka dots and stripes, James? Really? Silly man.

Oooooh. We get the dun-dun-dun-dun music. Philip's up to something.

And just LOOK at that look on Burton's face. Mmmhm.

Dear God, strike me dead, but TFWIC actually plotted something quite well! (Danny's character + Ethan/Patrick. The new relationship storyline thing, now that Nick's toddled off to Sanctuary?)


Oh, and hello, science that actually makes sense. In a if-time-travel-were-possible type way.

It does also indicate that anomalies are possibly Made and not natural, or interfered with some - not much natural likelihood of that occuring, I'd think.

Lol, and Connor says kinda basically what I just did.

1867! *does another little dance at the date*

Also, I think I'm gonna link a screencap of the black soldier - he's survived quite a few episodes, and I think he might be the same one as was nicknamed Fiver a while back. Picture this way That's the first good clear shot of his face we've gotten - and I think he might the same guy who appeared in a previous season. Maybe. I haven't compared yet. But I've been suspicious/hopeful ever since 4x01.

*wails* DANNY. Poor baby!

Aw fuck. Well, I'm gonna hope that Fiver survived. He probably didn't, but I can pretend.


*is wide-eyed*

... Emily got her skirt back? And boots? Weird.

I bet Ethan goes through the wrong gateway.

Ohai Molly!

Oh very clever scripting. We get more tension building as Danny tells others about Burton and Connor does funky stuff and goes running for Philip.

DANNY YOU BLOODY OVERLY HEROIC MAN YOU. *clings and pets and is happy with life*

Underground? Oh hello massive apocalypse bunnies.

A few of them? Sent back to different times? Oh HELLO massive potential.

Anyone getting overtones of Cutter's vaguely fatalistic predictions from the first episode (or second?)? Maybe?

Oh, sod off Matt you bugger. Get a grip on yourself and suck it up.

Also, I dunno about anyone else, but I'm definitely getting strong 'Cutter's protege' vibes from Connor. And LOVING the dynamic they're clearly setting up between Connor+Philip and Matt.

Hnguh! Philip/Connor dark/twisty smut? Anyone? Pretty pretty please?

You know, they probably wanted us to care more about Matt and Emily and all that, than I did. Or many people did, possibly. It was nice and all, but not as emotional as the music seemed to be calling for at the end there. Of course, that could just be me. I'm not exactly the most emotional person in the world.

You know *is watching Burton get in car with Connor* I've been toying around with Abby+Lester alliance ideas in my head, and this is really only feeding the bunnies.

And of course, the fuckers leave Becker's condition unknown. Clever, clever, evil people. *veg* I approve. Damn good cliffhanger, that, really. (Although if you pay attention, Becks is probably alright because that soldier who Ethan took out - presumably the same way - was in the same state of not-moving before getting back up, eventually.)

And am using an Abby icon because she was pretty epic this season. And I love the icon.

Also, out of curiosity, why on earth would the Mysterious Voice at the end of the credits tell people to grab a table lamp for the next show that's coming on? *is amused and baffled*

primeval, squee

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