Just poking around...

Mar 07, 2010 14:23

I'm meddling with my journal's CSS, so don't be too alarmed if you happen to look through here and find a bit of a mess. ^_^ I'm not the greatest at styling (ha! definitely not!) but it sure is addictively fun. xD

Although, sadly, that pretty banner I made a while back is too small to work properly. ):

Anyway, happy week guys, and I should probably get around to doing homework, instead of this... heh.

Oh! And a lovely person I didn't even know gave me two months of paid account, which is quite exciting! I get more icons!! (And maybe after the two months I'll have the money to pay for it myself! *g*) *claps happily*

Edit: Oh, and since I'm terribly fond of the Expressive journal style, I found this community, which looks like it will be immensely helpful: s2expressive.


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