Birthday Drabble for Telperion!

Dec 15, 2010 15:42

Title: Coffee!
Character(s): Danny Quinn
Warnings: None
Rating: G

Author's Notes: For telperion_15, for her birthday. It isn't exactly angst, but it isn't exactly cheery either, I'm afraid! Hope you enjoy it anyway. Also, not beta'd so there may possibly be a minor Britpick or two.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never mine, don't sue.
Summary: Coffeeeeeeeee...

Years of working night shifts and back shifts and 40-hour-straight shifts had thoroughly ruined any semblance of normalcy in Danny's sleeping habits. He had learned to snatch some shut-eye wherever and whenever he could (although sometimes, some nights - or days or mornings or afternoons - he just couldn't sleep no matter what he did). Working at the ARC certainly didn't help that any. Danny wouldn't really have minded the hours - they weren't that different from those he'd worked in the past - but the ARC canteen was commonly lacking in the one god Danny Quinn swore by: Coffee.

birthday, gift!fic

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