Madcatt's Birthday Drabble

Nov 11, 2010 19:03

On a slightly cheerier note than my last post, I come bearing a drabble for the lovely madcatt82 (who I see just posted from her phone - sounds like you've had a busy day, dear, hope it was a good one!). It's a bit odd, but I hope you like it!

Rating: PG (sex references)
Author's Notes: For madcatt82, happy birthday! * ( Read more... )


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tay_21 November 12 2010, 00:51:02 UTC
NICE! That's hilarious. You should totally continue this story. LOL!


canadian_jay November 12 2010, 00:56:53 UTC
Oh, sod off! :D

But thanks!


tay_21 November 12 2010, 01:02:57 UTC
I know! I'm a demanding little sod aren't I. I keep telling you that you should write more.

And your welcome. Hehehehe


canadian_jay November 12 2010, 01:03:49 UTC
Most! Between you and Knitekat...!

My welcome? Hunh? ;P

Also: did you go watch those videos? xP


tay_21 November 12 2010, 01:23:16 UTC
Oh, nope. *Dashes off to see videos*


tay_21 November 12 2010, 01:37:30 UTC
Oh that was sooo beautiful. I can't believe I've never seen or heard of this before. I posted it to my facebook. I like never cry. ESPECIALLY in public, and I'm blubbering in the freaking student lounge thanks to you. It's beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


canadian_jay November 12 2010, 02:04:11 UTC
I bawled too, I'll admit. In the privacy of my own room, admittedly, but I don't cry usually either. (Although war stuff gets me every time.)


tay_21 November 12 2010, 02:15:21 UTC
Yeah me too. :'-l


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