Ronald Where's Yer Troosers

Jun 01, 2009 17:44

I'm no expert, but after making two of them (in the traditional manner, without patterns) I'm becoming quite adept at doing kilts. They're fun to wear, too; the ones I make are lightweight, hang and flow well, and feature a few modern refinements like Velcro closures and plastic snap buckles.

A couple of weeks ago I finished my second one, a short 'sport' kilt that hangs down to about the same point my favourte shorts do. Yesterday was an ONDR day at St Thomas Dragway, and because I thought it was gonna be warmer I wore the kilt to the track. (NB: I wore my shorts underneath it. It's too short, WAY too short, to go regimental.)

Well, I got a lot of looks - I think. I'm pretty sure most people were too shocked, or too polite, to say anything; however, I also suspect it was responsible for the unusually large number of conversations I had with total strangers. After all, a feller in a kilt has to be more outgoing than someone who's just in pants, right?

Unfortunately, though the sun was hot (and the UV index very high - I actually managed a second sunburn) the wind was icy-cold, and in just a short kilt and T-shirt I was kinda chilly. Nonetheless, I think when the weather is appropriate I'll be wearing it again - and when it isn't, it's back into my faux Amish gear I'll go.

It's all about style, right?
- - -
Money woes continue & actually get worse. But that has nothing to do with men in skirts.

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