(no subject)

May 03, 2007 20:23


I don't reallly know what to say
hmmm  I'll talk about Eli

A few years ago at a Star Party I met this guy named Eli.  He was visiting his dad again this week, so we decided to go for coffee.  He is the oddest, yet most eccentric person I know.   Let me describe what I saw when i first saw him. His hair was dreaded, and he had a brown brimmed touque kinda hat on.  He was wearing a short sleved buttong up shirt, kind of a creamy colour with a paisly design which he had just bought from eclectic avenue the day before.  Undearneat that, he had sleeves.  Not a long sleeved shirt, but just these grey and red and blue patchwork sleeves with thumb holes.  He was wearing some ordinary-ish looking cordoroy looking pants in kinda a greyish colour.  I sat down, and there was kinda that akward "hi" of two people who haven't seen eachother in close to three years, then I guess to break the tension, he licked my face.  Just licked the side of my face like it was a normal thing to do.  Then we got up and he put on this coat.  Wow was it ever a coat.  It reminded me of willy wonka's coat.  It was a royal purple colour, and it was a veleur kinda of fabric, and it went all the way down to his knees.  It, like his sleeves was kind of patchworky, the pockets were make of a completely different fabric, and it was definately home made.   He also picked up a sweater, also home made from one of his friends.  It was green and tan, and it was all these different shapes sewn together, but it was totally symetrical.  The hood was like.. not a normal hood either, it was very long and reminded me of something a wizard or something would wear.

Most crazy person ever.
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