Car woes and 4am

Apr 20, 2007 04:14

hmm..  I am weird.

I usually bitch and moan something hardcore when I have to work at 5am.. but for some reason today.. in the middle of three days off.. I am up at 4:10 and I feel fully rested and ready to start my day.  I guess it's just all what you get your body used to.. it only sucks because no-one else's body is used to it, so I've got nothing to do.. hahaha.  I really don't know what to think of myself right now.. but I am just a weird fuck.

I am still very sad about loosing my car. I just hate that it died over something I considered so trivial.  It was purely out of neglect, and for that I feel all kinds of guilty.  You really do get emotional attatchments to vehicles, and I think I'm probably gonna cry again today when we have to strip it of all it's good stuff (like the seat covers and CD player).  I had just put so much work into it too.  4 new tires and a new windshield wiper thingy.. also full of gas too.  But my dad will probably siphen it out he said.. I mean that's like $40 right there.

But sitting here feeling remorseful isn't going to help very much, so I think I am going to go watch a movie.

bye all.

(oh, and the kicker about my car dieing [not the most important thing, but just the "damn...." thing] is that yesterday MORNING my parents finally agreed to go let me se Dylan on Saturday.  They finally trust me to, and I have no car by the afternoon.  Shit eh?)

colt, dylan

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