So, it has been about 2 months since Marvel Heroes went live. I've been playing the game pretty steadily, though mostly doing end game content to try and find new heroes.
In those 2 months since I've started, I've managed to find a decent amount of characters, all told, I'm up to 8 hero drops. Punisher, Cable, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Ms. Marvel, Black Panther, Colossus and Cyclops are the characters that have dropped for me so far. Of those 8, Punisher, Cable and Colossus were 3 of 6 that I really wanted, so I can't complain at all about what I got! Hopefully I can still get Deadpool, Wolverine or Hulk!
I've also gotten a small handful of alternate costumes with a shoed Thing costume, original Black Widow costume and a classic Punisher costume. As well as Stealth Armor Iron Man's costume which is 1 of 5 costumes you can get from fortune cards in games.
I've also gotten 3 pets, 1 Herbie and Old Lace twice, while also getting 11 tokens to upgrade my ultimate power.
All in all, I think that what I've gotten over these last 2 months is very respectable, even if for the last month or so I was in a drought of getting very little anything of interest until when beginning last Tuesday up until yesterday I got 4 heroes, a costume and 3 tokens.
But alas, I'm afraid my luck won't last much longer, since come Wednesday there is supposed to be a big patch coming, one that will eliminate finding heroes in game in lieu of simply buying them with in-game currency. From what I understand, they looked at the League of Legends as to how long it should take to save and buy a character. Having never played that game but reading what others have to say, they think it will take about 2-3 weeks to buy a hero. I guess we'll have to wait and see come the patch on Wednesday!
The pricing will be along the lines of 200, 400 or 600 splinters to buy heroes, with Deadpool, Iron Man and Spider-Man currently being the only ones costing 600 splinters. So you know how much I'll be saving for off the bat!
Other changes coming with the patch includes the addition of the Human Torch who along with Luke Cage, Squirrel Girl, Emma Frost and Nova were projected to be game day or very shortly after game day additions. 1 release out of 5 after 2 months isn't that bad I guess.
The patch is also going to see a rebalancing of a large portion of heroes, which means that some characters will have their skills wiped out and you'll have a chance to go allocate points once more, which isn't so bad, it certainly does beat having to use a retcon device to allocate your points once more.
All in all, the game is moving along nicely. New zones are about ready to be introduced as well with a new map for endgame content and we're supposed to be getting an Asgard zone.
Despite characters now being free to purchase, they'll still be purchasable in store right away but it looks like the real bread winner for them will be in selling costumes in their own store.
Personally I don't feel I missed out much by not purchasing any packs. So far, I've only spent $20 to purchase extra stash tabs to store gear and crafting materials. Fortunately, this patch is also going to make crafting materials stackable apparently, so that should save a bit of space and prevent me from having to buy the 3rd and final crafting stash tab.
Anyhow, if you love Marvel and are bored and your computer can handle it, definitely give this game a try. The worst that could happen is you decide you don't like the game and wasted your bandwidth downloading it.
For now, it's back to the game to see if my greedy ass can get another character drop or two before the patch comes.
Oh and one final thing...
This is Stan Lee as a He-Man figure. He's an exclusive for Comikaze 2013. Standor is now part of my He-Man canon, even if some fans can't lighten up and enjoy this fun little exclusive character.