Jun 10, 2011 15:30

Ahhh summer time, a time when lazy dog dangling days are aplenty and NerdCons are as bountiful as teenaged girls wearing short shorts. Of course the biggest of all the Cons being held over the summer is the San Diego Comic Con. Soon, our NerdWorlds are going to be rocked with all kinds of announcements that will blow our mind away.

Personally, I'm looking forward to any future movie announcements, as well as anything 80's related. I know for a fact that with MOTU's 30th anniversary coming up, that it's going to be a big summer for that franchise, or so we're being led to believe with '4 big announcements' to be made at the Con.

Though with each passing day, it seems that a little bit of information is being leaked out as to what that may entail. The biggest possible spoiler so far has been that a new She-Ra project might be in the works thanks to tweets from someone at Classic Media, who are the current owners of the classic cartoons.

Why Mattel never wanted to pay the $10 million or so for all the old Filmation franchises that were bundled with He-Man, I will never understand, considering how they are a billion dollar corporation that could then revive many of those old properties. I guess that shareholders have very narrow visions, as is evident by Nintendo's stock drop after the Wii U announcement, but I digress!

Also, with the MOTUC exclusive being Queen Marlena this summer, with a ton of Filmation influences in her design, plus a Filmation Cringer as an accessory, there is a lot of speculation that Mattel has acquired the rights to base figures on the Filmation characters, which could potentially lead to highly demanded characters like Shadow Weaver. This is probably the biggest announcement that most fans are wanting to hear. Funny this is how when the line started said they couldn't do anything Filmation then recently changed their tune to how they can portray the characters they own any way that they want.

Other announcements may include information on the progress of a future movie, while there are plenty of people betting their money on a Castle Grayskull playset, which, if it would happen, would be the most awesome expensive thing in a long time!

I'm certain that SDCC will also bring us plenty more news and information regarding many other 80's properties. There will probably be some new Joe and TF products being shown, though Thundercats and Voltron products will likely take center stage what with their new cartoons right around the corner. Hopefully we get a glimpse at what's in store for the future of TMNT as well.

Yes, summer time is going to be helluva fun once SDCC comes around to whet our Nerdy appetites and then to close off summer, the combined Power/Thunder Con for MOTU and Thundercats should be nice for those on the West Coast. Alas, I cannot travel that far and will have to miss on the inaugural Con but I hope to attend one in the future!
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