Oct 30, 2005 18:25
my car is awesome. i love it so much. *so happy!*
well, to say the least, this weekend goes down in history as one of the worst. i just cant believe that my 'social' life, or what is left of it, is like this. i really dont have a social life. i went out and drank a hell of a lot more when i was 19 than i have in the past year, and im 21 now. it all comes down to being put in shitty situations and getting sold out by people. i try to make plans with other people and make new friends, but of course the usual happens. im just giving up on trying to be social. why make an effort when i spend every weekend sober and then get to hear about all the crazy shit i miss out on when everyone else is having fun? its fucking halloween weekend and i havent drank since my bday and im not even doing a damn thing for one of the funnest holidays. last night, we could have gotten an extra hour of drinking..but no...the 10 21yr olds sitting my room were too damn tired to go out on a saturday night. im sorry, how old are we? yea definetly not 40. its not that im always in a bad mood, its always that i get screwed over in almost every situation. the only thing good about my bday was erica coming up and steve being my only friend to celebrate my bday. i mean, who else spends 3 days crying (really, i was that upset) about their 21st bday? not much i can do now huh. im just stuck here in the middle of what i got myself into.
i need to get out of this place.