May 08, 2013 15:53
Have I updated since I posted Ella's birth story? I don't think so. So much has happened over the past year. Adjusting to two kids has been crazy, and we moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania. So here it goes...
A few months before Ella was born, Ty started to change. He's always been very sweet and sensitive, but around 2 1/2 (around the time he stopped breast feeding) he started to change a bit. He didn't lose his sweet sensitive nature, more that he started to act out on top of that. Mostly attention seeking behavior, but we're still dealing with it. I guess it's one part being 2, now 3, and one part jealousy over sister. Tyler turns four in 2 weeks, and he'll magically wake up his old self, right? He's still a big boy. I am guessing he's getting close to 45", and probably around 43 pounds. He has a check-up coming in a couple of weeks.
Ella has been a great baby. I think Ty was easier since he'd take a pumped bottle/pacifier. Ella refused both. But we weren't worried except for her dislike for the car seat. She slept through the night from the beginning, but around six months that changed. She's 14 months now and wakes several times to nurse during the night, so we've side-carred her crib. Not sure what to do about this, and I'm constantly exhausted. Other than that, Ella is super sweet and funny. She's not as outgoing as Tyler was, and is quieter. Ella's the opposite of Tyler in size, she's a peanut. I think she's around 18 pounds, and about average in length. She loves books and I'll find her in front of the book shelves flipping through books all the time.
Last July Hubby's job changed. He's now a recruiter and we moved to Pennsylvania. It's frustrating for him, he doesn't like recruiting at all. But he didn't have a choice. I think the move has been hardest on Tyler. He's so social, and moving away from his friends has been terribly difficult for him. I've kept him busy with activities, but they don't replace having someone his age next door. However, Tyler has recently befriended the boy who lives next door who is a year older than Tyler. I have mixed feelings about this as this boy isn't quite the best influence and Tyler has taken on some defiant behaviors that I've been putting and end to them as soon as they start.
Part of us keeping busy brought us to the YMCA. After a few months of activities, I was offered a job there. I love it. I don't get paid much, and I only work a few hours a week, but the kids get to do some of the classes for free. Plus it's nice working and being around adults even though I teach little kids. My boss is nice, too. Everyone jokes that its Starbucks money for me, but I've put it all in savings for Christmas.
Anyway, I'll see if I can post a couple pics using my birthday gift (yesterday I turned 29. Again) ~ an iPad! Yay! I promise, I do read updates.
Never mind, can't post pics. Will try to figure that out.
via ljapp