When I was pregnant with Tyler, I didn't really know what my goals were as far as breastfeeding. I've become much more educated about it since Tyler was born. I knew I wanted to try, I wanted to breastfeed Tyler. We had a rocky start. My milk was slow to come in, which wasn't a problem for us. But at about day 6 when my milk came in, my breasts got even bigger and flattened out my small nipples and his latch was horribly effected. By this point I was determined to be successful and I didn't even realize how bad it was getting until I tore my left nipple. We finally ended up using a nipple shield until he was 2 months, and then weaned off it. Since then it has been smooth sailing.
My goals eventually became clear - breastfeed exclusively until 6 months as per the recommendations from the World Health Organization, Health Canada, and The American Academy of Pediatrics. We did baby led weaning/solids after he turned 6 months, Tyler had almost no purees, and the only baby cereal he had was oatmeal mixed with breastmilk. Then my goal was to nurse following Tyler's cues until 2 years and let him self-wean at that point.
Around the time that Tyler turned two this past May, I started some very gentle weaning. We were had just started trying for baby #2 and I wasn't interested in tandem nursing. I had the feeling that my milk had been dried up for a couple of months by this point, as Tyler was only nursing a couple times a day.
First we changed a couple of routines and Tyler soon stopped nursing in the morning when he woke up. That was a tough one for me since it usually bought me an extra half hour or more of laying in bed. Then we changed up our bed time routine, and Tyler stopped his bed time nursing. That left us with nap time and when he'd ask. By the fall he was only asking a few times a week, and he could usually be redirected. However if he wanted to nurse, I wouldn't say no.
Nap time was going to be tough since that was the time he'd fall asleep before being put in bed. Even now we still continue to cuddle in the glider, Ty resting on the nursing pillow, with my top off. He does use a pacifier at bed times, I'm having a tough time weaning him off that. But the dentist said it isn't harming his teeth so we're ok, just to keep trying. He doesn't keep it in his mouth while sleeping, so it isn't that much time that he has it.
Through the month of October, and into November Tyler would nurse a couple times a week at nap time, but mostly just cuddle. By this point it was extremely rare for him to ask to nurse at any other time. So rare, that when he asked to nurse on November 1st, I was really surprised.
It was the day after Halloween. We had been to a play group in the morning and Tyler had taken his usual nap. After nap we were just hanging out in the living room, playing and such. Out of nowhere, Tyler asked to nurse. I said sure, get the pillow. Ty grabbed the nursing pillow we've always kept in the living room and hopped onto my lap. I was 24 weeks pregnant at this point, and it had been more than a week since Ty had last nursed, and even then it was just a quick one before passing out at nap time. This time he was awake, and actually nursed. I think my colostrum must have been in because once he got started he had a funny look on his face, and proceeded to discuss my milk with me. We had a great time snuggling, nursing, and chatting.
And that was the last time Tyler nursed. I remember the details, and how I felt, all of it. I'm glad we had such a great ending to such an important part of our relationship.
I nursed Tyler for 2 years, 5 months, 1 week, and 3 days. But I'll claim 2 and a half years ;o)Tyler on November 1st: