wow, that was fast

Mar 17, 2008 20:39

     About 3.5 hours ago I sprayed the weeds in front of my house with weed killer. They were thick, tall stalks and all really prickly. I was just outside ridding the yard of the creepy-crawly pests when I noticed the weeds are already dying. Like the thick thick stalks are half brown, the lush green leaves are dried and shriveled up. Wow. I got the weed killer today and used the whole bottle on just the small area in front of my living room. I'm not treating the rest of the yard. 
     I did get fire ant killer for the mounds that are popping up. I wanted to hold off until after the rain but it is night time and prime foraging time for the little f***ers and the rain should hold off a few more hours. I told my neighbours with dogs I was treating the big mound. I may have to treat it again after the rain but I've made my first strike. I am leaving the smaller mounds for now. I don't feel like searching for them in the dark. Plus after a big rain more of them pop up anyway so I know I'll be out there again.
      I also sprayed around the front of our doors after my neighbour that is on my side (our doors are right next to each other) told me they were getting into his house from a mound about 2 feet from our doors. I bleached the mound because I don't think that awful powder is safe to use right where we walk into our homes and I know bleaching kills the mounds as I've done it before. I know it's awful for the environment but I'll take that over risking the serious poison. The spray I used is the stuff that I've always used in and outside the house. It works really well and within about 10 minutes is dry and safe. I did our door ways and the area around the front.


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