mercuriaz made a meme!
Nobody wants paragraphs and paragraphs of purple prose, but I'm really curious about the physical details of people's characters. Here are some questions/prompts/things; pick one or fifteen characters, answer, and post for the edification of your RP partners. ^.^
Typical outfit, or sense of style?
Hair color?
Eye color?
Body type (the more detail the better-- for instance, perhaps they have very bony wrists or super short legs)?
Tattoos, piercings, scars, birthmarks, amputations, etc?
Typical expressions and/or gestures?
Posture and movement?
What does their voice sound like?
Hygiene routine, if any?
Somewhat related, what do they smell like (take this one as metaphoric as you want, this is fiction)?
Any physical insecurities?
I will answer this for my most active pups over at