I have been requested to provide polar bear picspam. How ever could I say no?
Twins are very common.
They stay with their mom for two years. This means mom doesn't get a minute's peace for that entire time, but that's okay. Because cubs love their mommy.
As they grow, playing together is their major source of entertainment, but this also prepares them for being able to defend themselves when they're older.
Eventually, the cubs have to strike out on their own and then amusement has to come in other ways.
Oddly enough, polar bears are rarely cold. In fact, they're more in danger of overheating. This often leads to attempts to cool off.
Or, they could just be sleeping, which is about a polar bear's favourite thing to do.
When they're not swimming, anyway.
In the end, however, the life of a polar bear is a solitary one.
Unless you live in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Where you occasionally need to be a little wary of your neighbours.
Even if they are just curious.