Associations meme answers for shellebelle93

Mar 02, 2009 11:50

So, I hear it's snowing places. Like a blizzard or something. You know where that isn't? Canada. (Except Whitehorse, but I mean come on. It's Whitehorse.) Oh Mother Nature, you so crazy!

Celtic myth:
Really? I guess the Arthurian aspect would do that, but to be honest, I don't really know all that much about the Celtic myths themselves. Anything I incorporated into RP was all off the cuff research because trying to figure out what pagan 6th century Welsh people would believe in is kind of... difficult. Most of the Celtic myths start around about the same time and in some cases, would have been actual people mine might have even known. So I had to play around with it a bit. Me and my historically accurate tendencies. That said, what I did read of them seemed cool, if a little more complicated than most other mythologies I'm familiar with.

Speaking of complicated mythologies (if unofficially recognized as such)... The movies got me into this. I honestly hadn't even so much as given them a second thought before then. And then I was doomed, but it was worth it. The movies are brilliant and gorgeous and are some of my all time favourites. I still haven't read the books, though. :D

Norse myth:
Three in a row! I adore the Norse myths. I remember I started to read them all on my own when I was maybe ten or eleven. My mom taught us Greek mythology in school (yes, I was taught by my mother) and I loved them, so one day I went to the library to see what books about mythology I could take out and lo and behold, there was one all about Norse myths. I've been hooked ever since.

Initially, it was because they were different. For someone that young, when you start learning about "mythology", you invariably start with the Greeks and segue into the Romans. And that's usually about it. Norse was something no one else knew about. And it was about vikings! Or so I thought in my ten year old mind, and hey, vikings are cool. They still are, by the way. Vikings and their culture became an obsession of mine in high school, somewhere between vampires and Al Capone. Oddly, though, I've never actually got my hands on a copy of the Eddas. I should look into that.

RPing--what's it all about for you?:
Initially? A way to find a place to belong and get to know people online again. I started doing the online thing my second year in university, so....14 years ago at this point. Pretty much all we had on our limited university run server, aside from browsers and e-mail, was IRC. So I got into that, mostly with people in the actual city I was in, which led to several of us meeting up on a regular basis in person and becoming "real" friends. When I graduated and moved back home, so did everyone else. We lost touch, but I had my then-boyfriend who took up most of my online time. Yay long distance relationships. e.e

Anyway, when that was over, I took a break from the internet because I really didn't have anything to do on it, so limited was my experience. Actually, it was the LotR movies that did it. I got interested; I needed to research. I found fanfic for the first time! That fanfic led me to LJ and RP. As someone who used to fancy themselves a writer and admittedly lives a lot in her head, RP was a pretty perfect match.

These days, though, it's just about fun. I RP because I want to, not because that's the only way I have to interact with people anymore, although I do need that interaction when I RP. Of course, there are people now I just talk to that I don't RP With, which is pretty awesome, too.

I found my want in life too late. I want to be a singer. Unfortunately, I didn't really realize this until a couple of years ago and while I can carry a tune, my voice is about as developed as its going to get. Had I started lessons when I was younger, I'd probably be in better shape. At the time, however, I didn't know to ask for them. I was a dancer. That's what I did. Sure I was in the choir in elementary school, but then band became cool and I was a kick-ass flute player (Look! Ego!), so that became my school musical thing. Then band just wasn't feasible in my schedule because of a) dance exams and b) classes I needed to get into University. I was also taking piano lessons at the same time with my mom, but stopped because I hate theory and my mom dropped out because she really wanted to learn and I was just there because I thought it might be fun and I was better than she was. So I felt badly. (Please note: my mother did not in any way pressure me to do this or make me feel badly or even tell me this was why she stopped. I found out from someone else she was very disappointed in herself for not being good enough, in her mind.)

All throughout this, I listened to the radio a lot. I'd hole myself up in my room and do my homework, or write, or read, all with the radio on. My parents are also very much into music, so having a radio on was something I grew up with as normal background noise. When I got my first job and more importantly, my own money, I bought cassettes like they were going out of style. Little did I know. And most of the time, it was female artists. It still is. Why? Because I want to be a singer and I live vicariously through them.

As for my musical tastes, well, it's pretty eclectic. I've got new age, I've got pop, adult contemporary, country, goth, metal, thrash, electronica, punk. Last night, for example, I went from listening to Debbie Gibson to Marilyn Manson one after the other and just kept singing along. (I'm still rebuilding some of my lost music collection, shush.) Lately, I've been really into symphonic metal and I've discovered some awesome new bands. Thanks, Amazon Recommendations!

mother nature hates canada, when did i become an arthurian fangirl?, rp, meme, fandom? what fandom, i like some entertainment, music

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