Secret Santa!

Nov 06, 2009 18:33

Hi you guys,
I'm really sorry, that I don't moderate this community well enough anymore,
and that I've been really lazy now.

Feel free to kick my ass.

But here's the point of this post.
This year, we are going to do Secret Santa again!

If you don't know what Secret Santa is, here is a wiki answer for you,

If you would like to participate, please fill out the following form!

LJ Name:
Province you live in/study in:
5 dislikes:

The way this is going to work, is going to be very similar to last year's.
If you decide to participate, you will get a number, eg #1
After a week, I will close all entries and randomly assign you a different number!

So, example:  Person A is #3.  Person B is #5.  Person C is #7. Person D is #9
Person A ends up with Person C!
Now, Person A knows who Person C is, what their 5 likes and 5 dislikes are.
Person C on the otherhand, does NOT know who their Secret Santa is! (In this case, Person A)
Now Person C ends up getting Person B.
And Person B ends up getting Person D
And so on.

If you still do not understand, please leave a comment with a question and I will attempt to answer your question to the best of my ability, :)

All gifts must be sent before Christmas.
To make this easier on everyone, I will randomly assign you a number to someone who lives close to you.  (You live in BC, you won't get ON)
Unless you don't mind.  Then include that in your comments then.

Your gifts can cost up to $10CAD.  We don't want people buying gifts that cost $20 and then they end up getting a gift that was bought at the dollar store.

If you decide to participate, please remember that you cannot back out of this once I start giving out randomly assigned secret santas!
I will collect addresses from all the people who are participating sometime closer to the end of November.

Thanks, and happy Remembrance Day everyone. X)

edit: i have to screen everything now, cause i just found out that i can't tell people their numbers when i screen my comment and then they can't see it, X(
oh well.
tell me if you guys can view your numbers, rmb!

discussion: group project

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