Anime North Meet-Up 2014

Apr 25, 2014 13:40

Hey guys!

It's that time of year again, Anime North is May 23-25th! That means that it's also time for our annual AN Canada Johnny's Meet-Up.

Since we always have the meet-up on Saturdays, I think it should be fine to go with Saturday the 24th as the date again for this year, but I need to know what times would work for everyone.  We will be holding the meet-up outside (unless there's rain), so you won't necessarily need a ticket to participate.

Choose your availability from the poll below, please click ALL that apply.  You can see the AN program here.

Poll AN 2014 Times

Of course we're gonna have the same fun games we always have, and some new creations:
  • Arashi's Suguroku
  • Intro Don
  • Johnny's Cranium
  • MORE...... O:
You can also bring some JE goods with you, either to sell/trade or just show off.  Everyone is welcome, no matter what JE group you like or how new/old to the fandom you are, there's always space for you!!

shuuji to akira, hey! say! jump!, sexy zone, akanishi jin, arashi, kis-my-ft2, v6, abc-z, news, kinki kids, gym, kanjani8, johnny's junior, kat-tun, location: ontario, tackey & tsubasa, discussion: group meetup, tokio

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