I'm as innocent as the fresh-driven slush.

May 29, 2009 02:46

I finally rigged up a machine that'll work long enough for me to check up on you lot here in cyberspace, which is rather quite useful, as the local library doesn't have much in the way of late-night hours. I just need some place to juice it up every so often, which I don't imagine should be much of a problem.

It's been a while since I've been out on my own, away from evil lawyers or world-saving twenty-somethings. I was beginning to think I've lost my touch. Happily, I was wrong.

So what's new and exciting, then, eh? Anything evil popped up yet?

[OOC- So... Spike's managed to nick a laptop from the library, along with a few other things from unsuspecting victims around town. Most of these things are quite random, ranging from money and mugs to Post-Its and posters. If you'd like to be among the pilfered and/or notice something's amiss with our unusually cheery lurker, feel free. :D Also, mods, if there's issue with him snagging the laptop from the library (or anything else), let me know and I'll alter accordingly.]
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