
Mar 08, 2006 17:08

hey everyone.
just a quick update to let you know that i'm not gonna be on for a while.
i got my computer taken away for skipping so i wont be on 'till i get my computer bac(whenever that is :( )
i'll try and get on soon.. i'll be good!!!!! i pwomise!!

i'll try and catch up on my flist when i get back so if there is a certain entry you want me to look @ or whatever then just put a link or let me know in a comment so i'll go through and look at it when i get back.

ooo big news before i let my mom drag me away!! i got a boyfriend! and it isnt Jake. hehe i'll tell you all about it when i get back but he's awesome so yay..

mkay bye for now folks!!
im hoping i'll be back soon because LJ withdrawl sucks!!!!!!!
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