My weekend

Nov 13, 2005 22:13

So I worked 7-3. Then I decided to go shopping. Bought like 6 new tops, new poker set, new portable phone and some other useless stuff. Then Tj gave me a call, and my sister ended up dropping me off at bretts' house. Ended up drinking with paolo, brett, sean, tj and jerry at seans house. Played an awesome drinking game that only needs a pair of dice. Was gonna have my sister drive me home but brett offered to drive me home in teh morning if i stayed over. Ended up passing out aroudn 3:30 I guess and they woke me up around 6ish. Got a ride home and then my sister drove us to work.

Worked 7-3. Had a rather bad day at work for teh first half. Ended up crying before I even started. Was gonna sleep when I got home but I took a 30 min nap and decided to get ready and head over to jess'. Sean and Bob were there already ( oh and I fell up the stairs on the way up - when I was sobre ). So we predrank there and brett and tj ended up comign a bit later. So we headed to the beach and had a blast there. And next time I go dt with brett, tj and sean you guys are all getting drink - I was too drunk to realize how much you guys spent. So yea I was pretty drunk- but we all danced up a storm. Then joe called and he couldnt' get into the beach so we headed over to woodys. And well - you just had to have been there. Brett decided to dance on teh bar cuz some chick were and he likes to do random things. And well long story sort guys can't dance on bars unless they want their legs to catch on fire. So we left there shortly after and got food. Went to Jade - which was really good eatin'. Then some ppl went home but I went with joe and brett to eth emergency room to get his burn looked at. Joe drove me to work for 5:30.

Worked 6-2. Had to bake which I wasn't excited about but ended up ebing ok. We got inspected today and did rather well even thought they didn't inspect the kitchen which I wanted them to. So we probally get a pizzs party next week now. Then I came home and passed out for liek 2 hours. Much needed sleep seeing as I didn't really sleep from friday morning till sunday afternoon. Didn't end up going to waterpolo which I feel bad about but I'm still rather tired and my legs really hurt from dancing. Brett ended up comign over to drop off my drivers licence off and stayed over to watch cellular and soem family guy. Had a really good time.

I'll be sending an e-mail out about my party hopefully tomorrow or tuesday latest.
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