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Nov 26, 2005 01:18

src="" border="0" alt="HASH(0x8cbe788)">
That's you!

If the world was anime how would you look? (This for my girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your true emotion is depression. You're so sad. You
were hurt once
in your life and/or are being hurt right now. You
had lots of friends
at one point, but not they're starting to leave now
that you've changed.
Try to see the bright side of things. If your
really depressed you need
some help, because depression doesn't just go away
over night.
Try talking to some of your close friends, they'll
help out. Try to break
out of your shell, just be careful this time.
Thanks for taking my quiz.
Try my other quizzes. If you didn't like this
result try taking this quiz again. Have a nice

Song: Welcome To My Life, by Simple Plan
Stone: Rose Quarts

What is Your True Emotion? (Girls only, with anime pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla

WHy am i geting all these depressing things?!

Your true emotion is depression. You're so sad. You
were hurt once
in your life and/or are being hurt right now. You
had lots of friends
at one point, but not they're starting to leave now
that you've changed.
Try to see the bright side of things. If your
really depressed you need
some help, because depression doesn't just go away
over night.
Try talking to some of your close friends, they'll
help out. Try to break
out of your shell, just be careful this time.
Thanks for taking my quiz.
Try my other quizzes. If you didn't like this
result try taking this quiz again. Have a nice

Song: Welcome To My Life, by Simple Plan
Stone: Rose Quarts

What is Your True Emotion? (Girls only, with anime pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla
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