Search engine ranking

Sep 01, 2004 23:00

So my Dad and I were randomly discussing Internet stuff, when he suddenly mentioned that I really needed to take a reference to the site I built for the surgery he works at off my journal.

Turns out that I'd made a comment to one of my entries a way back with the site's URL in it, which Google had picked up. Originally, this wasn't a problem - the site itself appeared within the first four search results for the site name in Google, while my journal was way down near the bottom of the first page, 'below the fold'. However, it looks like Google re-indexed sometime recently: my journal now appears halfway down the first page of results, and the actual site has been relegated to halfway down the second page of results.

This wouldn't be so bad if my comment hadn't been "*slaps forehead* Gah ... I forgot that the url was (sitename).org.*uk*, not .org ... and I was the one who registered the bloody URL too ><" ^^;;

So I deleted the comment, and am purposely not mentioning the name of the site in case it happens again =P

Unfortunately, while the first issue - my journal popping up unwantedly - was easy enough to resolve, the second issue - placement on Google - is a bit harder to solve.

The problem is that all the results before it do actually refer to the surgery (they're mostly NHS sites, lists of local businesses in Bearsden, or other medical sites) but don't give the URL to the practise website. As a result, the site is pretty much unlinked-to, which presumably is why its PageRank is so bad.

web design

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