Boom chak boom boom chak!

Mar 10, 2009 22:07

Cool day today - not in a particularly special way, just ... cool.

I actually got a proper sleep - fell into bed at 10pm after an exhausting Monday, woke up early to bright sunlight, wandered through to have a proper breakfast and a chat with Nate, then headed to work when I felt like it (which turned out to be a quarter of an hour early). Normally I roll out of bed with just enough time to have a shower and dash out the door, then grab breakfast at work.

After a decent day at work, headed to Samba school and drummed for two hours - Samba Funk this week: such an awesome (almost hip-hop-y, hence title :) ) beat that I ended up bouncing around for two hours and finished the night totally exhausted but grinning. I'm definitely getting better at the timbal - I can play hella loud now, and my hands are only slightly swollen at the end of each session, instead of feeling like I've fractured something, although I still need to build stamina in my arm muscles.

Definitely thinking of joining the main samba band if they'll have me: rehearsals are on Fridays, which is much more convenient than Tuesdays for me in any case.

About the only thing that marred the day was that I'd forgotten to switch my car's ceiling light off on Sunday night - and because I didn't drive Monday, the battery had gone flat. Luckily, my local garage (really local: they're two streets away) drove out within twenty minutes and jump started it for a tenner, so my good mood hardly got dented :3

sleep, drums

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