I has a chair!

Jun 30, 2007 10:45

Drove up to Dundee again yesterday afternoon, with a car stuffed entirely full of stuff. The most important piece of this stuff was my Chair. It deserves the capitals: it's a massive leather executive chair which was originally for my dad's surgery office; for some reason or another, it got diverted and I ended up with it. So I unbolted everything (in the process realising that the reason it had been so creaky recently was that the bolts holding the back to the seat were not actually bolted in place at all, simply held in by the pressure of the cover, and that the only things holding the back on were the chair's arms) and chucked it in the car. The Chair is now set up in the Flat, which is feeling more homely every time I come up. I'm looking forward to not having an aching back and neck - sitting on a bed hunching over a laptop really does not do good things to my body.

I also brought up my suit and the new shiny shoes I got for graduation, together with a bunch of other clothes and shoes. In the process, I managed to clean out my wardrobe - out went three pairs of shoes I'd been keeping pretty much for sentimental value (the excuse of "oh, I'll just wear them if I need a pair of old shoes which I don't mind messing up" is fine, but how many pairs of old shoes can you really use?) and a two-foot-high pile of clothes, some dating back about ten years or more. I can actually see the bottom of my wardrobe now - I'm quite pleased with that.

So I'm sitting in my Chair, in a nice shirt I discovered halfway through my wardrobe excavations, learning Perl. I've been commissioned to design a website for the other practice at my dad's surgery (it's one surgery building, but two three-doctor practices) so I decided to turn it into a learning project by writing a simple Perl-based CMS. It's pretty interesting - despite my initial WTFs (mostly because I was trying to learn through code samples rather than any documentation, and said code samples made liberal use of magic variables) I'm rather enjoying it. PHP's inspiration now becomes somewhat clearer, too. One problem that'll have to be overcome: my current web host doesn't seem to support Perl too well - Perl scripts outside cgi-bin just give 403 Forbidden, and while there are a couple of simple Perl scripts included in cgi-bin by default, they throw a 500 Internal Server Error on execution. I'm thinking of just moving to DreamHost once my three-month renewal comes up.

Also: I have squid! When I was preparing for the drive, Mum randomly popped up with a bag of frozen soup, frozen marinated chicken, and a packet of frozen squid. So at some point I will be attempting that salt-and-pepper squid... this should be fun.

clothes, computers, work, flat, shoes

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