It's eight thirty in the freakin' morning. I've been up since six ... well, actually, I went to bed at six, realised it was getting light, and then couldn't sleep because of the encroaching lightness. When did it start getting light at six again? I think spring has snuck up on me without me noticing - I guess it's that I've been so absorbed in project work over the last few weeks that I haven't really had time to notice much else...
Speaking of project work ... owie. I have written one hundred pages and (slightly over) thirty thousand words. And I'm not even quite finished yet. However, the important parts are done ... well, important from my perspective - I've still got testing to go, which many people (including, probably, my markers) would view as important, but ... bah. I can test when I'm dead. Well, actually, I can't... um ... yeah.
This has been the first morning in a wee while where I've actually felt good. I reckon it's the lack of sleep, and possibly the fact that it's morning and I neither have to go into Uni or immediately start working.
The last week or so, my first thoughts on waking up each day have either been "oh god it's far too early ... time to go into Uni" or "oh god it's the afternoon and I've missed my classes ... oh well, time to get back to work." I've been suspending my computer at night, falling into bed, then waking up the next morning, waking it back up, and continuing where I left off. It's even gotten to the point where I'm losing track of time and days.
I'm not complaining too much - I'm getting a lot done, and I still find time for recreation in between Doing Stuff.
I've been drumming and playing guitar a lot - it's weird, procrastination seems to bring out my musical abilities: a couple of months ago, I was hardly playing for weeks at a time, and every time I did try to play, I felt clumsy and uncoordinated; now ... well, I'm still clumsy and uncoordinated, but I guess I just care less :P
I also have the Mammoth Book of Best SF 2006, which I'm consuming a couple of stories at a time. It's interesting - between the MBBSF and the Solaris SF collection I got, I noticed one story where the main character is gay, one with a gay background character, and one really sweet gay romantic subplot*. I don't think I've ever even read a SF short story with any gay characters before (stories set in female-only societies don't count :P Ethan of Athos would count, but it's a novel...), and now three at once. Yay :)
* In The Quake Zone, in MBBSF, written by
David Gerrold, the guy who wrote The Trouble With Tribbles. Roughly novella length, it managed to totally screw my sleep pattern, because I told myself at 2am I'd just read one more short story, and ended up being up til 6 - although it was well worth it for the story. Gerrold also co-wrote Jellyfish, which was in the Solaris collection, which was funny as hell (although I wish I knew more SF writers, so I could have got more of the references...)
I have books piling up in my 'to read' pile again - I almost cleared it last semester, but since then I've ordered more stuff: Hal Duncan's Vellum, Tracy Kidder's The Soul of a New Machine* (which I originally heard about because of the Fear Factory album of the same name), and a couple of computer science books, including what I thought was
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, but unfortunately turned out to be the instructor's manual to accompany said book :( I also intend to finally learn Python and C++, and broaden my programming experience by working on some random projects. On top of all of that, I also have Supreme Commander and Uplink to play.
I am due some heavy-duty R&R when I finish this project, and with all of the above, I reckon I have enough supplies for it :)
* It's a hardback, too ^_^ Second hand from Amazon, no dust jacket, but nice condition - it's so rare for me to get hardbacks these days, since they're so expensive. **
** I appear to be writing posts as a tree structure - obviously the usual stack-ish rules of parentheses aren't enough. I blame
fuzzie linked me to this -
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, online edition. Yay! Now, I just need to resist reading it until I'm finished my project... :P