Title: Everything I ever wanted
Author: Leia/Camshaft22
Fandom: San Jose Sharks Hockey RPS
Rating: NC-17
Notes: I don't own anything, not even my car. This is not real, this is for my own fun and no one endorses this. Fill for a prompt: A Shark. Any of them. Masturbating for the team. Or *TO* the team.
http://panda-check.livejournal.com/193686.html?thread=715670#t715670 ***
He had thoughts, just like any person.
It would happen after a game, definitely. The scene would change, shift every time he took this time for himself. His mind conjuring up the locker room. Definitely at home in San Jose. The showers was a favorite too, especially since he liked the hot water, then there was once in a while where he would imagine the ice itself, right in front of God and the HP Pavilion as he started stroking his cock. They would all surround him as he showed off his cock, stroking himself for them, giving his team everything as they watched him masturbate in front of them.
With a moan, he would come with a shudder, finding himself all alone, the fantasy banished for another time.
He was living his dream.