Title: Push and Shove
Author: Leia/
camshaft22Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Rating: PG
Notes: I don't own anything, not even my car. This is for
stargateland and fanbingo
Word count: 324
Trope used: Evil is Cool
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilIsCoolSquare: Dark Fic
Cameron stood in his dark uniform as he looked at the enemy ahead of him, the enemy that he had once been a part of. It all started with the IOA and now it ended with him and his army of Jaffa and the allies that had been burned by the new status quo.
The International Oversight Advisory got power hungry, it started trying to control operations, had Landry removed and a worse and under their control General brought in. All the attempts before this had failed but now they had won. Stargate Command was under their complete jurisdiction.
Cameron and the rest of SG-1 were off-world, Sam was on the Hammond and the people from Atlantis were spread out, some off world and some in the thick of the new order. Cameron had calmly taken the news of their new orders and pointed his weapon at the IOA soldier, glancing to his team with the addition of John Sheppard.
“How do you feel about going rogue?”
Vala smiled widely. “After all my hard work to prove my worth to the program and we’re going to be villains? Count me in! Can we wear better uniforms?”
Daniel looked at the soldier then Vala. “Well, I don’t think this is a dream from Shifu… so yeah, sure. Why not? We should tell Sam though.”
John smirked. “I’m already a bad guy,” he said. “I just didn’t tell anyone.”
Teal’c inclined his head. “You will need a leader of the army you will build, Mitchell. Count me in as well.”
Cam smiled at them then looked at the soldier, the smile on his face twisting into something dark and horrifying. “Tell them we said no,” he said as he shot the man.