20 in 20 Stargateland Challenge

Jun 20, 2011 23:31

Challenge: 20 in 20: Drabbles
Author: Leia/Camshaft22
Rating: R
Notes: For stargateland . I don't own anything, not even my car.
Character: Alison Porter with guest appearances by Laura Cadman, David Parrish, Stackhouse, Markham, Camile Wray, Anne Teldy, Dusty Mehra, Alicia Vega, Carson Beckett and some OCs 
Word count: 2,569

Accessory:  Alison had one accessory that she refused to leave behind on Earth or even on Atlantis. It was a good luck charm that her pen pal from Japan got for her. She keeps it tied within her jacket when she goes off world and close at hand otherwise. Alison cherished it so much from when they were very young and now still speaks to Naoko when she can. They are close as sisters and have worked together before. Alison often hopes for the day she can tell Naoko all about Atlantis… and bring her into the program, but she also knows that it will likely never happen.  Not with how the IOA are running things into the ground.

Space:  Alison Porter grinned over at Major Teldy as she lit up the control panel. As the only natural gene holder on their team, she was in the pilot’s seat the most.  Her favorite missions were the ones where they got to fly. When she first joined the SGC, she didn’t understand what some of the Air Force personnel meant when they said they missed flying the most, but now she couldn’t imagine having this taken away from her.

“I think you enjoy this far too much,” Major Teldy told her as they took off into space.

“You might be right, Major,” Alison told her. “But you have to admit, it is rather fun.”

“I think I prefer my feet on the ground, Porter.”

Alison chuckled. “No fun, no fun at all.”

Dreaming: She ran, terror shooting through every inch of her body as the creatures came after her, all knowing her name, all wanting to kill her. They had taken Alicia, Dusty and Major Teldy and were coming after her now. Adept as she was with a firearm, they just kept coming, just kept swarming around her, tearing her to pieces.

Alison woke from her nightmare, eyes wide as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Laura stirred next to her.



“Lie back down, tell me what’s got you so spooked.”

Alison smiled, laying down and pulling her closer, hugging her waist. “Bad dreams is all.”

Black & White:  It was like a black and white horror movie, Alison distantly thought as she breathed out her nose, the tape over her mouth making it difficult to communicate. Her team had found a village at the end of the universe that was a little more advanced than the usual planets and societies in Pegasus. Unfortunately that only extended to having electricity. Which honestly was fairly new to them anyway. She hadn’t seriously expected them to be turned over to the village mad scientist and become his experiments. So far, the serums he had injected them with were pretty useless, but she was getting really worried. What if they had far reaching effects? They needed rescuing and they needed it yesterday!

Hair: Alison brushed out Laura’s hair, humming to herself as she parted and played with her girlfriend’s hair.

“You really are enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Definitely. I never got to do this with other girls when I was younger, so I’m taking advantage of you,” Alison said in explanation, as she started French braiding Laura’s hair. “I didn’t have many friends. My Father insisted on making sure I got into every advanced class I could.”

“Your Dad drives me crazy.”

“He drove himself crazy, trying to excel and make his mark in the science world. But I know what you mean. His desires for me often make me irritated when I think about them.”

“Well, I love you and you can play with my hair all you like.”

“I love you too and I will.”

Hero: Sometimes it’s hard to keep doing what they do in the city. The hard months outweigh the good months all too often and it makes people want to go back to Earth. But Alison knows that the reasons they all came to another galaxy are far more important than a few set backs. So she tries to make sure that everyone remembers what this means and what their work is doing for mankind.  Their work has already saved millions and some of the medical things they’ve discovered are already in clinical trials. It might not make up for the bad days, but their work out here is not without merit… and sometimes that has to be your win.

Friends:  Alison looked up at Carson, feeling really uncomfortable. “I just… I’m attracted to you, but I just don’t think it would work out. You’re always gone, I’m in the city… plus there is this woman…”

“Aye. There’s this gent I’m working with and well…”

“So, friends?” Alison asked.

“Most definitely friends, lass,” Carson told her, kissing her cheek. “You’re always welcome to work with me, dear.”

“I have important things in the city… but I’ll keep you in the loop. But I suppose this does help support your theory that most geneholders are Bisexual.”

Carson chuckled and hugged her gently as she wrapped her arms around him. “Aye, that it does. Now, get your young lady and I’ll see you around.”

Alison grinned, relieved that he was cool about it..


Uniform: Alison had a bit of a thing for people in uniform.  Before she realized she was, mostly, gay, she would get picture books full of military personnel and stare at the pictures of soldiers in uniform for hours, when she was in college, she would look at naughty websites with a military theme and now, she asks and she pleads and she bribes Laura to put on her Dress Blue’s so she can dress her then help her take it off, slowly, one piece at a time, knowing that she has the hottest Captain on the entire base in her bed.

Circle: Alison stood in the circle of scorched Earth, her hair standing on end as she witnessed the remains of the Replicator’s attack on this world. All dead, all turned to ash due to an aggression that they couldn’t understand. There was no reason, no meaning to this other than a wholly cold logic. Burn the crops to kill the bugs.  She took readings as Major Teldy, Vega and Mehra spread out, trying to see if there could possibly be anyone left. Alison heard a noise and immediately lifted her P-90. She panted in fear as she realized it was an animal. It was half- burned and died before it even got close. Alison swallowed hard and got back to work as tears rolled down her face.

Home: Home was Atlantis. That fact couldn’t be truer. Once you entered the city, once you felt her in your mind, there was no going back. Even more so when you came from a weird family who were more interested in their experiments than what their daughter was doing. Her Father had gone to Europe, chasing his own dreams and her Mother, while loving and caring, did harbor some resentment towards Alison. First because getting pregnant had made it harder for her to be acknowledged in an already male dominated field and secondly because the man she loved left them both. Alison didn’t hold a grudge but after being on Atlantis, she finally realized what she had been missing all this time.

Sad: Alison waited in the hospital, the sticky blood on her shirt drying and hardening on her clothing as the medicine did its job and numbed her body. Her arm was broken; the rest of her was bruised and battered, and her cousin was in an operating room. She didn’t know if he would make it. Alison didn’t know anything. It was startling to realize even with what she did, all that she had seen, all the worlds she had set foot on, it could be taken away in an instant. She turned as the nurse came towards her and knew what she was going to say as she let out a cry.

Angry: Alison sat in her lab as she boiled. She had never been so insulted in her life. The agent from the IOA had spoken to her like she was a child and they refused to listen to her advice, even as they were asking it! It wasn’t her fault that they had done something absolutely asinine and broken protocol with the Wraith Technology and now it was growing wildly. How dare they blame her when they were the ones that had not listened to them as they carefully explained what to do and what not to do with the live cells!

Happy:  Alison smiled as she swam in the cool ocean off the Pier 4 of the city. She waved to Laura, seeing her work on her ‘summer’ tan, even though the meteorologists were fairly certain it was winter on this planet. Atlantis was finally back in the Pegasus Galaxy where it truly belonged and as soon as they got a better read on what had been happening, they would be bringing the fight back to the Wraith. But for the time being, they were getting settled on their new world and getting ready. They would protect this galaxy.  They were home.

Fear:  Alison looked at David as the pollen swept the base, causing everyone to live their greatest fears. She and her team had come after the pollen had first released but luckily David ended up immune somehow. He had given them breath masks so they could try to help the base. Major Teldy took Dusty and Laura to go gather people and calm them down, but both David and Alison were coming up empty.

“Let’s try something else… Maybe we could contain the plant, take it off world?” Alison asked.

“I thought about that. My research on this is important… Perhaps we should just kill it. I would’ve rather contained it, but this won’t work.”

“I’m sorry,” Alison said sympathetically.

“It’s alright. We need to get this contained now,” David told her, squeezing her shoulder. They started walking down to the Greenhouse to be ride of the thing.

Trust: Laura looked at Alison, swallowing hard. They looked at each other, shifting uncomfortably.

“Do you trust me?”

“Is this where you tell me that it’s a part of something else?”

“Yes. Yes, it is actually. It’s a part of a IOA investigation…”

“For you to… To, I don’t even know, cheat on me?”

“I’m not cheating on you! I’m trying to get information from someone and he likes girls with red hair and about my age. I’m his type. They wanted to use me to plug what might be a serious security leak.”

“Sounds awfully fantastic, Laura.”

“I couldn’t tell you. I still can’t tell you. But please. Please trust me.”

Author’s choice:  “So, what color Lantern do you think you are?”

“Um, what?” Nathan Stackhouse asked.

“Green Lantern. There’s like a whole rainbow of colors. The Engineering department was talking about it.”

“Um… The good one?”

Alison looked at him. “I think you’d be a good Indigo Tribe Lantern. They represent Compassion. You’re compassionate.”

Nathan grinned. “You think so?”

Alison nodded. Markham sat down next Stackhouse.


“Hey, what about Jase?” Nathan asked.

“I think… Blue. He brings Hope to others when he rescues them.”

“I take it we’re talking about Lantern Corps? I never saw it like that, but… ok.”

“The Engineers were talking about it,” Alison supplied helpfully.

“You’re most definitely a Star Sapphire,” Jason told her.

Alison flicked his shoulder.

“Ow! Hey, I’m not being sexist… you have great love, that’s all.”

“Well, alright,” Alison said with a grin.

“Hey, what about Major Lorne?”

Author’s choice:  (Assassin’s AU) Alison lay on the ground, peering through the scope as she waited for her target to get into position. She was hired to kill Presidential Candidate Senator Kinsey, someone who was working to take several key rights away from the people through sneaky and underhanded laws. So she was going to make it easier for the usual folk and even better for those of the underworld like her.

The merger between their clan and the more business oriented family was going smoothly. They had more work, more choices in jobs and she had gotten closer to David’s bodyguard while their leaders were working together. She enjoyed Laura’s company, loved seeing her and enjoyed every single inch of her body.

Alison had it bad.

She fired a single shot and smiled in satisfaction as Kinsey’s head exploded.

Author’s choice:  (Supernatural AU) Alison walked into the house, feeling the ghosts as they swirled into existence around her. She swung the iron rod and dispersed them as she grabbed the salt, making a circle around herself. Alison defended herself as the ghosts screamed and burst into flames.

Laura walked into the house, her lip bloody. “You ok?”

“Yeah, are you ok?” Alison asked, hurrying towards her.

“I’m alright. I got the stuff that was keeping them here. It’s burnt and salted.”

“Good. You’re amazing,” Alison told her, dabbing at the spilt lip.

“Ouch,” Laura said, pulling away.

“Don’t flinch,” Alison scolded.

Laura sighed and stood still as Alison took a look at her.

“You need stitches.”


“Again,” Alison confirmed.


“Let’s go to the car so I can doctor you.”

“Ooh, Kinky.”

Author’s choice:  (Alison is on the Destiny AU) “Camile… What do you think you’re doing?” Alison asked.

“I’m trying to make sure we can survive!”

Alison looked at her. “You’re going to make things harder, Camile. We need to be calm. We can survive this if we work together. I know the Colonel is making it hard, but we need to remain calm and work together. Calm yourself and think for God’s sake!”

Camile frowned and stood up, looking at her. “They don’t care about the civilians, Alison. You should know that after Atlantis.”

“Do you even realize what you’re saying, Camile? I left Atlantis for you, to do this with you. How dare you bring that up?”

Camile looked at her. “Just because that Marine used you…”

“Shut your mouth, Camile and stop being a bitch,” Alison told her, leaving the room.

Author’s choice: (Alison is a Goa’uld Host AU) The Goa’uld had finally won against the Earth and the SGC had fallen, the soldiers and scientists now enslaved. So many were dead, half the world’s population were shuttled off to slave markets throughout the Galaxy. The ruling Goa’uld sat upon her throne as a red haired slave kneeled at her side and held a tray with wine.  The Goddess Hecate, dressed in black with several jewels adoring her body.

“Slave,” Hecate said in her normal voice. The red haired slave lifted her head, sorrow in her eyes as she kept a straight face.

“It pains you to see me like this, doesn’t it? In Alison’s body. Doesn’t it, Laura?”

Laura flinched then opened her mouth.

“No need to answer. I know the truth. She’s screaming for you, slave. To save her. Too bad you’re powerless.”

“Y-yes, Mistress,” Laura ground out, trying not to show her fury.

Hecate smirked and forced a kiss upon her. “Admit it, slave. You love this.”

“No… No, please…” Laura said. “No… I can’t…”

Hecate frowned and backhanded her, sending Laura to the floor.

“Don’t test me, slave. You can be replaced.”

“Y-yes, Mistress.”

Hecate nodded stiffly and left the room, leaving Laura to pick herself up.

alison porter, stargateland, david parrish, laura cadman, anne teldy, markham, stackhouse, carson beckett, alicia vega, dusty mehra, team atlantis, prompts, camile wray, stargate atlantis, drabbles

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