Aug 14, 2005 12:44
I havent updated in a while, but the last couple of weeks have been a
lot of fun. Basketball conditioning has been hard but it feels good
getting off my ass and doing something. Other than that I've maining
been hanging out with the girls and seth. I'm glad i got to catch up
with some people that i havent talked to in a while.
Yesterday I went over to seth's and watched a really funny movie,
"shaun of the dead," and then later we went shopping for a little bit
then a bunch of people went to his house to watch "the incredibles." We
all had a good time.
Well now it's almost one and I just woke up about a half hour ago. It
was really hard for me to sleep last night. Saying goodbye to seth was
the hardest thing I've had to do in a while. Its weird how your summer
can be so good and then so bad in the same day. After he dropped me off
i went over to heathers house and she made me feel much better :) what would we do without our best friends? we just talked and ate our feelings...which is always fun to do.
So thats really all i have to say, i hope everyones having a good summer.
<3 cam