Jul 23, 2008 21:44
Strange things:
"next at 11: you could be spraying toxic chemicals every time you clean. New U-dub research, find out at 11." Why is this news? we were aware that cleaning involves chemicals if we use cleaning chemicals, right?
The year before last in the Food program we heard a talk by the head of Aramark at Evergreen. He discussed the need for vegan options and how he is learning every day what is not vegan. He discussed the idea that vitamin B12 is not vegan because it is animal derived, and he was worried because he had been serving rice krispe treats (Rice Krispes, like most cereals, have B12 added), and that he thought they were vegan this whole time. Don't worry dude, vegans know that rice krispe treats aren't vegan because they are made out of marshmallows.