STARGATE NEWS: More Daniel/Vala Big Finish Audio Books

May 08, 2010 16:37

Dang, it's a good morning. First, Merry (ivanolix ) posts the hot D/V ficlet " Bohemian Like You", then the news from jmswallow  that Big Finish will release their next SIX Stargate audio books as FULL CAST DRAMAS. (ETA: Jim Swallow's announcement in March regarding all the collaborators.) Michael Shanks and Claudia Black  have been confirmed FOR ALL 6 BOOKS! And if Cliff Simon, Chris Judge, Amanda Tapping, Ben Browder, and RDA are on board, OH MY FRELLING GOSH.

Oh, this is para-canonical JOY JOY JOY. "Shell Game" is my favorite audio book, because of Claudia Black's narration and Michael Shanks providing dialog within the story. (In fact, I'm writing a really long D/V action sequel to it, to the consternation of my beta-readers. ::evil grin::)

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Here are the Tweets hummingfly67  sent me this morning via email:

# gatepages RT @richarddinnick: What a joy it has been to write for Michael Shanks and Claudia Black for @BigFinish #Stargate season 3! Gotta love Vala!

Twitterprofilephoto_normal nicstepro RT @richarddinnick: btw top announcement about #Stargate @BigFinish - can now confirm Michael Shanks and Claudia Black for all six stories!!

vala mal doran, *daniel/vala, daniel jackson, sg-1, *stargate, meta-fanfic

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