PICSPAM: Who Does What Meme

Feb 01, 2014 16:55

Passed along from anna_sg1's (F-locked) post over a year ago, only I'm answering it with screencaps for Daniel/Vala ;)

Vala, canonically. (If you call beating a rhythm on dough with wooden spoons cooking.)

I doubt aggressively-beaten dough will yield a light, fluffy pastry...

Daniel can toss a roasted Goa'uld symbiont into a campfire, though.

Less and less, over the years...

8x12 “Prometheus Unbound” head grabbing

9x06 “Beachhead” hand grabbing

10x03 “Pegasus Project" pushing

Ark of Truth axe wrestling

Continuum Pregnant Vala notifying Daniel she’ll help Ba’al

PAIRING MEME: "Give me a pairing and I'll answer these questions for them"
  1. Who cooks normally?
  2. How often do they fight?
  3. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
  4. Nicknames for each other?
  5. Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
  6. Who steals the covers at night?
  7. What would they get each other for gifts?
  8. Who kissed who first?
  9. Who made the first move?
  10. Who remembers things?
  11. Who started the relationship?
  12. Who cusses more?
  13. What would they do if the other one was hurt?
Because I really can't do a simple meme without going deep into meta territory + multiple images for each question, I'll be posting (and semi-cross-posting to daniel-vala) my answer throughout the week. Because just those 2 questions took me FOREVER.

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vala mal doran, stargate, meme, daniel jackson, picspam, daniel/vala

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