(no subject)

Sep 19, 2008 21:00

First round! Apps will still be open until 6 AM EST tomorrow, as always.

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Greed (Ling version)
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga canon)
Age: Appears 15.

Canon: Welcome to Fullmetal Alchemist, the series where young boys lose their bodies to out-of-control alchemy, hook up with the military at the ripe age of eleven, and travel the country in a deadly quest to regain what they lost. What makes the quest deadly? The homunculus, naturally! Abominations against god, these creatures have a fabled philosopher's stone at their core and are each based off a particular sin. They're also practically immortal, a trait that drew the attention of a very determined prince of Xing, Ling Yao. He was so hellbent on reaching his goal that he willingly accepted Greed's stone into his body. Lucky for him, Greed was impressed with his greedy and decisive attitude; it's always nice to have someone you can see eye-to-eye with. Because of this, he's been quite content to share the body with Ling. It's only a loan, naturally. Greed-sama would never give away his things~

Greed himself is - well. He's Greed. He wants money, women, fame - everything! Of all the homunculi, he's the one who best represents his sin. But that doesn't mean he's without his own set of morals; he won't fight women, and he won't lie. He can even be friendly at times, for a homunculus. Greed is cool and casual, preferring to take a smooth, laidback approach to things when he can. He doesn't like to mince words and is often blunt in saying things. Most importantly, Greed is very possessive. So possessive in fact that the stone itself held onto memories of the previous Greed's subordinates and their fate. Greed didn't take it so well when he dredged up that bad past and, after a nasty confrontation, has once again abandoned the rest of the homunculus in favor of his own schemes. He's gained a few voluntary subordinates since then, including the Fullmetal Alchemist himself, and is leading their party to Central for reasons unknown. But whatever his reasons are, they're sure to be GREEDY.

Sample App

Hey, you there! The fella with the extra-crispy face. Did you have a bad run-in with an oil lantern? Look, I appreciate the drink - I do! But there's this problem with the ice, see? Yeah, it can see you too. Now maybe this is a popular thing here, but an out-of-town fella like me just doesn't like eyes in his ice. Kinda creepy to have a drink that stares back. Yeah, the eyes are pretty - I bet this girl was a real looker when she had them. You know, I think I will keep these. I still want a new drink, but eyes on the side this time. Maybe I'll make them into a keychain.

Now that I've got that outta the way, why don't you fellas tell me how far from the nearest city we are? I didn't think we were out far enough in the country to end up in this kinda dump. No offense meant, but it could do with some . . . touching up. Even your money system's messed up. Brains, guys? It's just not good business to make your money edible. And sure, it'd be easy to find some brains to trade with, but with the things these campers can do they're worth more to me intact. Not to mention all the problems it'd cause . . . Or the headache I'd get. Do you have any idea how annoying a voice in the back of your head can be?

Right, dumb question. I should've known better than to ask you guys something like that. Don't take it the wrong way now, I can still respect you fellas. Anyone determined enough to claw their way back from death deserves a little recognition! Those fellas back in the camp just can't see past your teeth, but you reached out and held tight to your lives with your own hands. Or . . . other appendages. Now that's the kind of attitude I like in a human. But tell me, what made you all want to cling to life so badly? Don't get me wrong. I completely understand the appeal, but I thought there was only one other guy as greedy as me, and that's what it should take to pull that off. Ah? A kraken?

Haha! Coming back for a reason like revenge, somehow I like that even more! Must be a lot of trouble if you guys keep crawling from your graves to fight her. What'd she do, steal your women? -Oh. Sorry guys, was that a bad thing to say? Still . . . something as rare as that, I've gotta see it. Where'd you say she stayed? Down by the lake? Don't worry about me, I can show myself the way.

Whoa, bigger than I expected! Not bad, not bad~ I didn't think anything could survive in this water, but you do well don't you? I can see why you're such a challenge for the guys in there. Hey hey, watch the tentacles. This Greed hates to turn an invitation like that down, but risking death by drowning isn't high on my list of kinks to try out. Though tentacles are a little higher!

-Damn, you're pretty determined, aren't you? Well, I'm a stubborn kinda guy too! Tell you what, let's make a deal. I can't just let something as amazing as you go. There's another guy in this body who's stubborn enough to last through your games, so I'll loan him to you sometimes if you'll agree to stick with me. Not a bad trade, right? It's a good body you'll get to play with. The body of a prince! Just don't forget that it's still mine.

Poll Vote!

Character Name: Ling Yao
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)
Character Age: 15

Canon: The dying emperor of Xing is searching for immortality, and his 24 sons and 19 daughters are clamoring to win his favor. Ling Yao is his 12th son, and he's one hell of a success story. He packs his two toughest ninja servants and heads for the neighboring country of Amestris, seeking the Philosopher's Stone. That's ALL he packs, and he's less a prince and more a hobo dying in the streets when he meets the Elric brothers. Picking up on Ed and Al's similar quest, Ling sticks to them like cheap, hungry, freeloader ninja glue, hitting on Ed's mechanic - or Ed's mechanic's huge gay mentor - along the way. Headstrong, pushy, clever, and all squinty-eyed smiles ALL the time (he looks evil when he opens his eyes), Ling would be too obnoxious to bear if he wasn't such a badass. Ling has the ability to sense their enemies, the Homunculus: regenerating monsters fashioned after the Seven Sins, who have Philosopher's Stones as hearts which creep out anyone with a sixth sense. He is also a devoted leader who will do anything - anything - to achieve his goal for his people, from Exploiting The Ninja to bowing his head.

So when the Homunculus capture him, pin him to the ground, and force the Philosopher's Stone into his body, well... Ling takes it with a grin, and gives his body to Greed. Now two souls in one body, Ling and Greed understand each other in their mutual desire for Stuff. Ling is still himself when he's got control, and he's a buttinski backseat driver when he's not in charge. Though eager to take back his body, he's fine with sitting back and urging Greed to face up to his more humane side. It's his fault Greed split off from the bad guys, and he encouraged him to team up with (read: own) Ed and his subordinates. And if Greed gets too out of line, well, Ling won't hesitate to headbutt him soul-to-soul and drive for a while. If only he could avoid fainting from hunger afterwards.

Sample Post:

Aaah~ Thanks for the food! I feel alive again! To be saved by strangers in this strange land... I'm so thankful! I'm really moved to tears! Are you the shining furry faces of my saviors? The gorillas in this country are so nice! The people of the Yao clan are grateful to you. My name is Ling Yao, a homunculus on the run!

Ah, you don't have to be nervous! I'm a human, a human. You see, I woke up in this strange place. I'm sure we weren't here when I took over. What did he get me into now? This is definitely a place for his type of outcasts - maybe he can make some friends here. After all, with such kind toucans in this country of Louisiana dropping in, it would be hard not to!

But after wandering aimlessly for so long, with so many people missing ears to lend me, I couldn't go on any longer and fainted. Aaah, all hope was lost until you came. And I heard your leader is a beautiful director? What cruel fate! With the success of finding the Philosopher's Stone, finding a wife as well would be perfect, and she could be whisked away to become the princess of a nation! But not only is her heart already taken by a handsome suitor, half her people are falling apart. The people are the foundation of the land, but making them the foundation of cabins, fertilizer and meals. . . Alas, we're too star-crossed to be.

But maybe you can help me! I'm looking for some lost possessions, two huge guys about your size - but not as beautiful as you, I promise! - and a bean-sized one. You'd think those fellas would be hard to lose! I even tried calling out for the bean loud and clear, but no furious little form was to be found on the horizon. My friend is lonely without them. I know, I offered to take over and fill that emptiness in his soul with everything waiting for me back in my country, but he's pretty stubborn.

You say you could fill his emptiness? Ha ha, sure! He'll be glad to -- Not eager for control for once? Ara, but I already gave my body away to such a forceful guy! I don't think I'm ready to take another!

Eh? Oh, now you want me to replenish your emergency food supplies for Tuesday? HA HA HA, don't mind such a small thing! We're still friends, aren't we? Hunger is the best seasoning after all, I'm sure you can stomach it! Well, if you really have to, put it on the metal-made bean's tab. He's mine by association after all!

Poll Vote!

Character: Gino Weinberg
Series: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Character Age: 17

Canon: When normal people nurse large hate-ons for their fathers, they smoke! They drink while underaged! They slash their dad's tires, even! But when Lelouch Lamperouge wants a crack at his old man - who just so happens to also be the ruler of the empire of Britannia - he stirs up a rebellion in the country of Japan (also known as Area 11) in order to strike back and take revenge. Code Geass follows Lelouch on his path to destroy the Britannian empire, as well as those who stand in his way, such as his former friend, Suzaku Kururugi.

A member of the elite Knights of Rounds - the Knight of Three - Gino Weinberg is a soldier in the Britannian army and a comrade of Suzaku's. Coming from a rich background as the son of a noble, Gino has a somewhat skewed idea of the real world, constantly fascinated with the "commoners" and curious about their ways. Still, despite this, he comes across as being rather friendly and charismatic to anyone he meets, whether they like it or not. But Gino is far from being an idiot. Beneath that cheerful exterior is a skillful soldier with a strong sense of loyalty and honor, capable of fighting toe to toe with some of the best pilots in the series. Just don't mind him when he hits on them later.

Sample Post:

Hold it . . . hooold it . . . and- aha, there you go! You might want to give it a good twist just to keep it on tighter, heh. Man, I've heard of losing your head over things before, but you guys are something else. That was a neat trick you pulled there! Haha, who knew commoner camps could be so interesting? I'd heard things, of course, like how they got you up at the crack of dawn or how disgusting the food could be. But this place takes it to another level! I mean, no one mentioned gorillas being used as a morning wake-up call. I never would've thought of anything like that! And while it's not really to my tastes, I've got to say that your cuisine on Tuesdays is something else. Say, what is "soylent green," anyway? Some can shake all of that off, but it might've been too much for the lot of you, huh. You should be more careful! I know commoner camps are exciting, but that's no reason to go to pieces there, is it?

But hey, listen! Maybe you guys can help me out with something. You see, while I've been sent on diplomatic missions before, I've never had a mission quite like this one. And I'm not referring to you locals, either! Although I've got to say, you're a unique bunch. You've probably heard rumors about Britannians such as myself, right? Well, truth be told, I'm not one much to judge on one's nationality or heritage . . . or extreme skin conditions in this case. Or is that actually bodypainting? Haha, sorry about that! It's hard to tell sometimes. Just as a suggestion, though? You guys might want to look into using a different brand of that paint stuff. The smell's a little much!

Anyway, this letter came for me suddenly from a superior of mine - a request to come out here and help with the diplomatic relations of this area. To tell you the truth, I've never heard of the numbers in the Knights of Rounds going that high, myself? But hey, if the honorable Knight of Sixty-Nine thinks I can make a difference out here, who am I to argue! In any case, I'm supposed to be negotiating with your Governor-General, the honorable Lady Marcella, in regards to opening up a new port here. We of Britannia are more than willing to discuss the various positives and negatives of this potential development, of course. We're even open to suggestions on what to name the new port! -but you know, while that idea of yours is kind of unique, I don't think "New Madagascar" has the right ring to it, somehow . . .

It's good to see that you're trying to help, though! It's admirable, seeing people do what they can even if it isn't much. While I don't think we'll need much help with the name at this very moment, what would help me right now would be if you guys could lead me to the good Lady Marcella! Normally, I'd try to find her myself, but my lord didn't leave me with much of a description other than saying that she's forward and fairly frisky. Haha, she sounds like just my type! The kind of lady that's real hands on about things and likes to get right into the thick of it all, if you get what I mean. And she's pretty too, isn't she? But probably stubborn . . . well, that's fine! I like that in a woman as well. They're usually in touch with their feelings, you know? So! Where is she now?

- oh. She's, uh. She's pretty all right! Pretty happy to see me, that is- hey, that's- not the kind of touch I meant . . . !

Poll Vote!

Character: Esther Blanchett
Series: Trinity Blood
Character Age: 18

Canon: Trinity Blood can be described as what happens when you head into a dystopic future, take a well known religion base such as the Vatican, and just go ahead and introduce them to vampires. It can also be described as what happens when the unstoppable force of our hero Abel Nightroad's emo meets the unmovable object of our heroine Esther Blanchett's forthright nature. Trinity Blood also boasts fascinating political intrigue, interesting characters and the occasional intestine leaking out of someone's side.

The aforementioned Sister Esther Blanchett is one of the forefront characters of the story; a young nun from Istavan who begins to travel with Abel Nightroad after he aided her in overthrowing the vampiric despot in her town. As the story progresses, we see Esther change from a rather naive, argumentative young girl to a full-fledged operative of the Vatican who is intended for even greater things. As the plot thickens and people she knew and trusted begin to turn against her, Esther stands true to what she believes in, even through the manipulation of others. And she's definitely not afraid to speak her mind, at that. Although she's prone to a bad temper sometimes, and she doesn't always understand the greater workings of what's going on around her, Esther makes an effort to do her very best in everything she does.

Sample Post:

Excuse me! May I have your attention, please? I have a message from Elizabeth Sayre that should be relevant to the interests of everyone in this camp. My name is Sister Esther Blanchett, and I've come direct from the Vatican to help promote order in this troubled place. Ms Sayre asks you, both the young and the old of this encampment, to take a good look at yourselves and your behaviour; to understand that your captor has brought you here for a purpose - she asks that you exercise patience, tolerance, and simply ... she's ... just expecting you to wait here? In this place that is full of zombies, angry gorillas, rude toucans, trees that try to trip you up! And that's just what I met when I was coming here! I ... I don't think I can give this message anymore. But I have a different one! Listen to me, all of you, and I can help you escape this place. It won't take long! Just ... a few easy steps!

Step one! Instead of learning to understand your captor, learn to understand each other. I can already tell just from seeing the people here that you are from hundreds of different places. Everyone's a different shape, a different size, even a different species. Once, I was afraid of people of a species different to mine; I was prejudiced, but that was because I didn't understand. I met people that taught me differently, and ever since then I try to understand every single person I meet - no matter who they are. And, if you can do this, you can move forward and work as a team! It doesn't matter if one of your friends is a vampire, or a werewolf, or has sixteen tentacles, or even if they're a fairy-- oh, that's normal here? That's fine, then. If they want to be your friend, then isn't that the thing that's important? If you, the people of this camp, can do this, then you can move onto:

Step two! Pool your resources. From what I can see, there are a lot of things here that would help you escape - people here can do so many strange, different things! You could even find a code to communicate with each other! Or maybe you could use something you already have. I was told of the strange "LOLspeak", where things are spelled so incorrectly they are nearly incomprehensible and placed on pictures of cats so they cannot be tracked. You could make plans, hide your secrets from your jailer. I'm sure there are lots of clever people here. If you worked together, then there has to be a way, there has to be!

Now, step three! I think working with your environment would be a good idea, don't you? The creatures here, the zombies, the gorillas, surely they don't want to stay here forever either. And I heard in this very lake there's a prisoner - a monster called Marcy who is miserable because she isn't allowed a pet! I was told "she wants pussy", so if you were to find her a cat perhaps she would help you to escape-- oh. It's ... not a pet that she wants? ... Well, I've never heard that term before. ... Alright, with that in mind maybe we should forget step three. I'm sure you'll think of something later that will help. And maybe I shouldn't have decided to make a speech at the lake...But! All the same! If you can find the strength to work as a team, surely step four will be to all profit together. Now I've got to go, but I'll think of you all every day, and I'll truly pray for your escape. -- what do you mean, I'm stuck here?! I can't be! I was invited to -- oh. Oh.

... Well. Let's work hard, everyone!

Poll Vote!

Character: Dietrich von Lohengrin
Series: Trinity Blood [ wiki ]
Character Age: 21

Canon: Like all good vampire manga series, Trinity Blood revolves around the Vatican v. the vampires. Or, more complexly, the main character Abel Nightroad waves his angst and non-vampire-but-eats-vampire fangs around alongside multiple parties' bids for supremacy, freedom and happiness -- oh, and possibly total destruction. The Rosencreuz Orden specializes in that last one there, having a slogan that basically means 'through fire we will renew the world', aka blow shit up and it'll go our way. The Rosencreuz Orden works to stir up trouble between the two major factions, the humans and the vampires. Often this means framing people, starting skirmishes and moving towards coups and the beginnings of world wars.

While the Rosencreuz Orden is mainly made up of vampires, freaks of nature and naked crusnik, there is the token human member. Dietrich von Lohengrin, born child genius, raised psychopath and total bastard is that token member. Driven purely by his own needs, Dietrich hurts people because he thinks it's fun, twists them around, plays with their minds and likes to watch them destroy themselves. He's a genius with computers and subterfuge, being able to change his identity at the drop of a hat. He is said to have the face of an angel and the heart of the devil, exemplified by his willingness to torture, play Frankenstein with vampire corpses and his complete disregard for the consequences of his actions. Despite his high rank in the Orden, Dietrich is still the equivalent of a sadistic puppy; the higher ups say 'fetch' and he asks 'can I keep this one? I promise to clean up the entrails when I'm done'. Except for when he occasionally skips the asking and moves straight on to the human experimentation. Oops.

Sample Post:

The inevitable conclusion one comes upon when faced with a large encampment of varied individuals is human experimentation. It's even better when your participants are, ah, shall we say, a captive audience - though if we were to be diplomatic, 'convenient' would also be a good word to use. Oh, don't give me that look. I don't mean human experimentation in that horribly outdated sense - there will be no electric shocks or any other sort of inhumane torture. Rather, we are going to answer the question of working and learning together under mental stress. Trust me, it won't be anything too strenuous - even the weakest of minds can provide valuable data. If the idea of being a test subject frightens you, just remember that this is for the good of mankind and a step forward to bringing about World Peace.

Let me define mental stress for you: the feeling that results from an invasive thought or thoughts that disturb the individual and cause a form of internal pressure. For example, if you terribly wished to go to the ball but your evil stepmother forbade you and locked you in her dungeon, this would be a cause of mental stress. If she were to starve you, this would be a source of mental and physical stress. If she killed you, that would be physical distress... but not mental as you'd be deceased. Of course, not all sources of mental stress are as extreme as being locked away in a dungeon. One might even find reading a stressful exercise.

Oh, look, I've brought one with me. How convenient. In this experiment I will present to you one passage of literature. You will rate how much mental stress listening to the passage has caused you on a scale of one to ten; one being tolerable and ten being mental anguish. Afterwards I will ask you a question as to how you perceive me, the experimenter, and we can draw a conclusion on how mental stress affects the tenuous bonds of teamwork.

I sat without moving, more frightened of him than I had ever been. I'd never seen him so completely freed of that carefully cultivated facade. He'd never been less human… or more beautiful. Face ashen, eyes wide, I sat like a bird locked in the eyes of a snake.

His lovely eyes seem to glow with rash excitement. Then, as the seconds passed, they dimmed. His expression slowly folded into a mask of ancient sadness.

What a simply stunning piece of literature. It chagrins me to say this, but I quite enjoyed that passage. There's something... different about it. Sparkling, even. Or is the term 'smoldering', for the intense and vivid emotions the writing invokes in us? Ah, I'm distracting myself.

Now, please, rate your pain level. Remember, one is for tolerance and ten for mental stress so great it's dazzling.

Poll Vote!

Character: (Soldier) Blue
Series: Toward the Terra (anime)
Character Age: Appears around 17; actually around 300

Canon: What’s the obvious solution when humanity almost destroys itself? Take their power away and place all faith in a giant computer network called “The Mother.” It controls humanity’s pasts, futures, and everything in-between-including the creation of their children. The only thing it can’t seem to control is the next stage of evolution of humans, the powerful Mu who hold an array of psionic abilities, as they strive to create identities for themselves and find a place in the universe in their fabled blue world: Terra, the Earth humans destroyed to set them down this controlled path.

Originally starting as the Soldier (the leader) of the Mu is Soldier Blue, the calm, rational, and idealistic leader of the Mu who was the first to come into his powers three-hundred years prior to the start of the story. The most powerful of the group, he bears their weight and conflicts on his shoulders, doing what he can to protect them and lead them to Terra. But the years have been hard on him, wearing him down to a tired and wise individual who realizes that his powers can no longer protect the Mu. Acknowledging this, he seeks out a new Soldier for the Mu in Jomy Marquis Shin. After not so manly touching and embracing, Blue grants Jomy the future of the Mu. Even if he desires to see Terra for himself, he understands that the power of Jomy is what the Mu need to see their future; that, in the end, is all that matters.

Sample Post:

To finally come to the world I have dreamt of and find it in this condition, I worry that it may be too late. The only people who walk the earth are covered in fur or can no longer keep themselves together under the rays of sunlight, and after so long, they can only manage short words like “brains” and “eat you.” With this limited ability to vocalize words, it’s obvious that this world has become almost fully dependent on technology. It’s obvious that this world has allowed itself to become almost fully dependent on technology. Where there could be children playing and sharing dreams of their future, there are electric lines and the sounds of modems connecting to 56K dial-up. This place advertises itself as a camp. It could be a place of youthful exuberance, but it’s largely dead in spirit.

Upon closer inspection, I find that even within the branches of technology, the internet, there is a current of miscommunication and a lost of meaning within daily interactions. Insecurities are played off with repeated plays of a song about never letting someone down, but after so long, the words have lost their meaning. I worry about the reliance that many have on the images of felines asking for cheeseburgers or owls questioning whether someone is sincere. So dependent on the portrayal of these 300x350 sized images, the individuals who use them no longer reveal their true meaning. Are these the only means through which humanity has left to communicate? Why do they refuse to take advantage of this land, with its stretched out swamp and high rising trees that give clothing and gratification? They ignore it for lies on the internet, where they can continue to avoid dictating their actual opinions.

That is why I am here today. Disregarding my personal dislike of this means of communication, I have taken up this blog to reach out to you and show you the outside world. Sign into your personal journals and embrace your future, shedding the name of “anonymous” and claim an individual identity for yourself. Learn to state words and communicate with others, and you, too, will be able to put one step in front of the other and walk out the door into the sunlight that camp offers. No longer feel that you must live in a legion of fear, where everyone you speak to refuses to forgive. It may be difficult at first, but come on and let it shine.

I believe by undertaking this, you can come to embrace the beautiful world outside. ... The world called Terra.

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