(no subject)

Mar 25, 2006 10:58

Second batch! Applicants, when sending in your apps, remember to include everything when you send it: name, age, series, canon, and sample entry. Any app missing any of this will not be posted.

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Imoen
Series: Baldur’s Gate (Wiki.)
Age: 16

Canon: (Probably pretty spoiler heavy!) The Baldur’s Gate series is set in the D&D continent of Faerûn, a land of swords, magic, and miniature giant space hamsters. Here, there was once upon a time something people liked to call “The Time of Troubles,” when gods were made mortal. The god of death, Bhaal, foresaw his OWN death, and proceeded to sex up the females of every race he could find, from humans and elves right on down to rabbits. Both the Main Character and Imoen are the product of this.

Despite her status as a Bhaalspawn, by the start of BG2 Imoen herself is still just a mediocre thief and a fledgling mage. Described as an eternal child, she is caught in a crossroad, clinging to her innocence and childhood while dealing with an inherited, unhealthy obsession with death brought to surface by the tortures of Jon Irenicus, the Big Bad Boss. She thinks death has become beautiful, has an unfortunate tendency to lose her soul, and just wants to go home.

B-brother, I don’t think this is Faerûn. I know the nice dragon said that she’d help us return, but there must have been something wrong with the spell she cast. I-I know I’m still just starting as a mage, but I guess I was right when I thought the incantation sounded…off. I’ve never heard of a teleportation spell that used the qualifiers “infinite” and “cock” in its incantation. I mean, I’ve seen it used for evocation and polymorph spells, but…

I guess that doesn’t matter, now. I’m here, so I’m going to have to figure out how to deal with this myself, and this item that I found may help. My Identify spell said it’s a +3 Camp Laptop, and there was plenty of information on who created it, and the magic cells that power it. The technical aspects of its use are rather interesting…It says it’s only usable by “characters with an Int greater than 3.”

It’s…kind of mean, though. It was telling me about important places in camp, and it suggested I go to the Lost and Found periodically to see if someone’s turned in my soul, and that I visit the Mess Hall to get some of the best “soul food” this side of Louisiana. So I…I thought I’d take a look. Just in case. But on my way there, I noticed that this camp, it’s-it’s full of death! Everywhere I look, there’s death, and it’s…beautiful. I just can’t look away. …And then one of the zombies caught me staring at them, and he-he looked me over and winked at me. At least, I think it was a wink; his face was decayed so wonderfully that it was hard to tell…

Oh, what am I talking about? This is all wrong! Brother, I’ll find a way out of here as quickly as I can! I just…want to look at his rotting face, one more time.

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Character: Norma Beatty
Series: Tales of Legendia
Age: 16

Canon: Norma is first introduced when she decides that the main character and his friends, as fellow erens (people with special skills and/or magic), would be awfully useful to have around for her treasure hunting endeavors. After that, she never leaves. She herself is cheerful and bubbly (literally and figuratively, as she fights by blowing bubbles at enemies with her fearsome... straw); she loves to tease her friends, lighten up serious moods, and go charging ahead into danger without thinking of the consequences. Although she has her serious moments and is actually much smarter than she acts, her mood can go from serious to cheerfully inane in an instant.

She also gives often pointless nicknames to everyone and everything she meets. Even enemies.

Note: Gald is the currency of the world Legendia is set in.

Hey there! I don't suppose any of you would be interested in helping out a cute girl like me~? I maybe sorta kinda got lost, and I think I fell, and now I don't know where I am! It doesn't look like any place I've read about... but that just means I get to be the first to explore and claim all the treasure. Every misstep is an opportunity in disguise. ♪

So how 'bout helping me out? It'll be worth it, promise. I'm an expert treasure hunter, and I know what risks to avoid and what traps to disarm! It'll be a piece of cake. That crash you might've heard? Just a minor setback, and well worth it for a manual on how to operate this machine with the lettery buttons. Besides, you can't stay stuck in the past. Look towards the future! Yeah!

...So, not only will you be in the hands of a master, I'll even support you from the back line if we run into more of those really weird looking monsters this place has. You know which ones I mean, with the drippy melty fally-aparty faces that keep twitching after you rip 'em apart.

Don't get me wrong, they're better than some of the other overly friendly monsters here, if you know what I mean. This one cute little goat-monster just kept following me around. That's what being attractive gets you, huh? I called him Li'l Horn, 'cause he had horns and he was... well, you know what I mean, and all that. And while we're talking about Li'l Horn, any of you just dying to have a look at his fine pelt? He's kinda dead, but fully intact, I guarantee it! I'll even set the super-low price of fifty-thousand Gald to open. And there are more where he came from!

You more adventurous types, are any of you coming? It doesn't just have to be just out of the kindness of your heart; I'm prepared to offer you a discount on any treasure I uncover. Whaddya think, people? An offer like this only comes once a lifetime... if you're lucky! All you have to do is give me a place to stay, some food to eat, and a human shield in the form of yourself.

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Character: Stellar Loussier.
Series: Gundam SEED Destiny.
Age: Unknown. Presumably around sixteen.

Canon: Stellar is one of the "Extended," a collection of young soldiers trained and drugged since childhood to be a fighting match for their genetically enhanced enemies. Stellar's team is "Phantom Pain," which consists of Sting and Auel (fellow Extended) and their commander, Neo Roanoke (who is really camp counselor Mwu la Flaga, plus a mask and minus his memory). Then, one day, she dances off a cliff, only to be saved by Shinn Asuka, who promises to protect her and never let her die. Unfortunately, Stellar is assigned to be the first pilot of the Destroy Gundam, and is mortally wounded by Kira Yamato in the middle of blowing Berlin to itty bitty pieces. Shinn finds her before she dies, and she tells him that she loves him. He puts her to rest in a frozen lake.

Stellar has a large range of moods. Sometimes, she can be cheerful and affectionate (splashing at the beach, waltzing into the sea, etc.); sometimes she enjoys simply sitting and watching the ocean. In battle, though, she can be either incredibly focused or incredibly angry, and however she's feeling, Stellar's mood can be altered immediately by use of her "block word": die. The word can leave her sobbing, send her into a panic, or, after she meets Shinn, make her determined to protect the things around her. Presumably as a result of drugs and repeated cerebral tampering, Stellar can be very unfocused when she's not fighting (hence the falling off cliffs) and talks childishly in third person.

Today, Stellar woke up floating in a small, bright green ocean. Stellar doesn't know what sort of strange person would put Stellar in an ocean, but she wasn't there for very long! A big, pretty fish with a laser on its head helped Stellar get out of the water and up onto the land, where there are all sorts of trees and flowers and animals to play with. Stellar spends a lot of her time watching the fish and little ocean changing colors, but sometimes Stellar goes exploring!

Mostly when she leaves the fish, Stellar tries to find food, like the edible underwear. Stellar is sorry to whoever owns the panty trees, but a lot of the strawberry ones have holes in them now, because Stellar thinks that they're always a very good food, though edible panties are a sometimes underwear. Stellar prefers her own clothes to the strange ones here!

And when Stellar has lots of time and goes far enough away from the lake, she finds big groups of people who moan and try to hug her with their mouths. All of them remind Stellar of the people Auel called emus, but all of these people say "brains brains!" instead of "emu emu!" and none of them wear black! Stellar thinks that they would make very good pets, but Sting said that if Stellar wants more pets to take care of, Stellar has to feed them and love them and help them exercise... So Stellar built a hamster wheel for one of her emus here, but it must not be a very good one, because all the emu does is complain about how life is pointless, like the hamster wheel!

The pretty toucans tell Stellar that putting the emus in balls is cruel, and that they didn't think Stellar was the sort of girl who was into "bondage." When Stellar asked them what that word means, they showed Stellar a movie called James Bond: Die Anoth--


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Character: Kishuu Arashi
Series: X (manga)
Age: 16 or 17

Canon: X is the story of Tokyo, an apocalyptic battle, the Ten no Ryu (Dragons of Heaven), the Chi no Ryu (Dragons of Earth), the two Kamuis, Dreamseers, feathers, gears and lots of angst.

Arashi is the Hidden Maiden of Ise, and a Dragon of Heaven. She is serious and quiet, calm and careful, reserved and polite (referring to everyone as -san, or Hinoto's case, -hime), a wonderful swordfighter, and very loyal to her team members and friends. When Sorata makes another declaration of love, or gets a liiiitle too close, she is there with come-backs and pinchy fingers, and goes on her way.

Recently, Arashi has begun to cave under his devotion, even showing such emotions as BLUSHY and FLUSTERED. Also, highlight for spoilers: In volume 17, Arashi and Sorata consummated their relationship, and Arashi ran to Hinoto. Hinoto dragged her into a dreamscape to turn her into a Dragon of Earth, and it's at that point that X was put on hiatus. Thus, I'm apping her from the manga view, until that point, at which she becomes Anime Arashi, and has that definite ending.

Oh, this place. I'm not sure that even he would manage to get himself into a situation like this, but then, he might actually enjoy - nnn. Thankfully, I am no stranger to the methods of removing blood from one's clothing, but if this is your usual greeting, I must say that Tokyo is looking better and better.

My name is Kishuu Arashi. I was contacted by the Stargazer of Kouya for a "barrier problem" but this is nearly the opposite of what I had expected. Usually, it's a problem with the barrier threatening to fall, but I know that most of you have realized there is no way to remove this particular one. If there is anyone here with knowledge of how it was erected and when, probably the Director-san I've heard of, I'd like to arrange an audience with them as soon as possible.

. . .

I overheard a few campers talking about others who were dead in their worlds before arriving. Do any of you perhaps know - no. The chances of that - it would be impossible.

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Character: Tatsumiya Mana
Series: Mahou Sensei Negima
Age: 14 (or so she claims)

Canon: Like most of Negima's female cast, Tatsumiya
Mana is a student in Negi Springfield's Class 3-A. To most, she is
known as the sole daughter of the Tatsumiya family and a shrine maiden
at the Tatsumiya Shrine. Behind this public image, however, lies a
considerably different true face--Mana claims to have fought in just
about any modern warzone you could name, from Afghanistan to
Yugoslavia to East Timor, as part of a magician-backed paramilitary
unit. She's got the chops to make those claims sound plausible, too;
she's a master of firearms of all kinds, and demonstrates skill in the
martial arts. (All of this does raise some questions about her real
age, though there is evidence that she may have been a child soldier.)

Nowadays, she works as a mercenary, and is as much one by personality
as by trade. Mana is willing to lend a hand to most anyone--so long
as they can pay for her services. This includes shady types such as
Chao Lingshen, Class 3-A's resident supergenius/possible supervillain.
While "on the job," she's cool-minded and detached, putting the
efficient completion of her work ahead of all else, including
emotional and ethical concerns...the sort of person who can face human
or supernatural opponents with equal aplomb, and would shoot a guy in
the head with a tranq dart to keep him from confessing his love at the
wrong time. She does show hints of a softer side, though, admitting
at one point that she wouldn't want to do anything to make Negi and
her other classmates hate her, and carrying a photo of her deceased
partner from her soldier days around in a locket.

I was dropped off near the site of my latest job
via helicopter. The pilot, Dave, was a remarkably unhelpful man who
said nothing but "Uh-oh" in a loud, obnoxious voice for the duration
of the flight. Having surveyed the environs, though, it occurs to me
that there's a certain truth to his words. ...Word. My target has
chosen an excellent hiding place: an expanse of bleak, inhospitable
wetlands in the southern United States, rife with out-of-place (and
garishly miscolored) fauna and walking corpses. Zombies, eh...heh,
it's been a while. (Though none of my previous encounters with the
undead have involved them trying to hand me Hare Krishna pamphlets,
which is what the first one I encountered after leaving the helicopter

No amount of rough terrain, hostile wildlife, or animated dead will
keep me from my work, however. I am here for one purpose and one
purpose only: to kill the woman known as "the Director." If that
means contributing to the endangered species status of the mountain
gorilla in the process, so be it.

However, it would appear that the target is aware of my presence, and
my purpose. While making my way towards the precise coordinates
specified in my anonymous client's request, I was waylaid multiple
times in ways that appeared to be the products of calculation and
planning. In one instance, I was challenged by a zombie holding
another zombie hostage with what appeared to be the sharpened upper
jaw of a toucan's beak. An interesting approach, but ultimately
worthless--while action movies are dubious in their realism, there is
a bit of advice one gave that I've taken to heart:

Shoot the hostage.

From there, I was able to make it to the coordinates without
interruption. What I found was...surprising, to say the least: a
strange settlement, consisting of a mix of ramshackle cabins and
relatively pristine buildings, including a bathhouse and what appeared
to be a small hospital. My guess is that the Director and the other
inhabitants--presumably her subordinates--got tired of roughing it and
decided to spruce their hideout up a bit. I took it as a good sign;
if they've gone soft, it'll make my job that much easier...but I won't
make the mistake of underestimating them. Anyone who could eke out a
living in conditions such as these shouldn't be taken lightly. I
should probably avoid direct confrontation for now.

On that note, the hospital roof might make a good snipers' nest. Time
to get to work--Tatsumiya Mana, moving out.

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Character: Kurosaki Ichigo
Series: Bleach
Age: 15

Canon: Kurosaki Ichigo is the wonderfully irritable, scowling super-powered main character. Originally only capable of seeing/talking/touching ghosts-- and not particularly liking it, because they wouldn't leave him alone-- upon his fateful meeting with a bitchy shinigami/god of death by the name of Rukia, he himself became a shinigami. By stealing her powers. Not on purpose, but he still stole them. And then he's off into the wonderful world of adventure, mayhem, and a touch of psychopathy. And betrayers. What's a shonen manga without betrayal?

Ichigo is, at the heart of it all, a good person, despite his rough exterior and constant scowling. Due to the natural color of his hair-- orange/blonde-- he's been stereotyped all his life as a troublemaker; and many wanna-be-troublemakers targeted him for it. He's very stubborn, going so far as to ignore the fact that the girl he's trying to rescue doesn't want to be rescued. He also highly values his family, believing the safety and happiness of his sisters ((and yes, even his crackpot of a father)) comes above all else. Friendship, too, is very important to him.

You ever have one of those days where you just wish your new housemate hadn't jumped you bright early, because it's just that bad of a day? I mean, there is nothing quite as delightful as waking up to the bright smile of a friend that you've learned means something's up.

Ichigo, she says, You're wallowing in your self-pity, again. Stop it. Why don't you try out this special shinigami training camp?. Dammit, Rukia, this isn't a "shinigami training camp". It's a fucking eyesore of a pit of dead... things! Last time I ever listen to her.

How the hell can anyone miss all these damn spirits? The first few I could deal with. Then they started jumping on me in multiples of ten. And now they won't shut up about how horrible it is to watch their bodies attempt to eat the living. No, really. I would be ecstatic if my body ran around trying to eat people.

Apparently, certain ghosts don't like sarcasm. They seem to enjoy leading me through burning bushes, though. Not that they were burning when I got near them. Oh no, they had to wait until I stepped over them.

Yeah, thanks ghost. That really makes me what to help you.

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Character: Arnaud G. Vasquez
Series: Wild Arms 4
Age: 18

Canon: Arnaud is a Drifter, which means he goes from place to place doing jobs. He tries to maintain an illusion that he's an adult with responsibilities, sometimes has a hard time doing so in front of others and for himself as well. Sometimes he acts a bit more childish than he should, or less "cool" than he wants, and other times, people just see his youth and classify him as a kid. He prides himself on everything "from the neck up" (and yes, he really says that in canon) but doesn't have a whole lot of faith in his physical abilities. It's also worth mentioning regarding his mental capabilities - Arnaud has a habit of not quite thinking things ALL the way through. He's still cocky when they amazingly work themselves out. In the end, Arnaud is a nice, semi-intelligent guy who can be kind of whiny when he thinks he's not doing what he wants. He can be cocky too, but he's really concerned for the people who he cares about.

It's also worth to note, for the app's sake, Wild Arms takes place on a planet called Filgaia, that has been ravaged by war. A large percentage of the world is desolate wasteland.

How do I get myself into these kinds of situations? I mean, really, I should've KNOWN that it wasn't Jude tugging on my sleeve. I, of course, completely expected rabid mutant, ah. Turtles? Well, at least they're easy to run away from. I can't say as much for these other guys, heh. I'm really impressed that they could tie knots when their fingers are rotting off. It's tight too, you guys. Can't you loosen it up? Really starting to chafe, you know? Not the best welcome you could give a guy!

Anyway! I don't know how I got here, but, I can't really complain too much. I mean, it's not like home where everything is so barren! Everything's so alive, with the exception of my pals here. The aliveness of the world may or may not be a good thing. I'm sure it's not just me, and you've all heard this before, but I don't think that in the real world, dandelions are supposed to talk to you. And I'm not just bitter that they're offering me candy. Come on, I'm 18 and not getting any younger! ... what do you mean, We'll see about that?!

... Okay, guys, I can't take this anymore. I don't mean to whine but this is really uncomfortable! Could you at least tell me where you're taking me? Shouldn't you show a guest a little bit more hospitality? Here, lemme make the first move. Name's Arnaud G. Vasquez! And you guys are? ...not talking. Well. Fine fine! I'll figure a way out of this. Confident in everything from the neck up, after all!

Er, guys, what's with the big pot? And the giant nutcrackers - oh. Ah hah. Zombies, right? I should've known. You guys, I'm not that confident in everything from the neck up, so you really, really don't wanna do that, do you? I could totally use a hand here. ...Ugh. No, not a real hand, thanks.

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